100 E-Commerce Tips Part 1


We’re going to do something interesting over the next few days: give out 100 e-commerce tips. We don’t think we want to write a hundred posts about it, so we’ll batch them up.

So here goes:

  1. Never leave unanswered emails for more than 48 hours, or your will lose the sale.
  2. For transparency, let the customer see your shipping charges as early as possible in the checkout process.
  3. Make sure your forms use common names for fields so that they’re easy to recognise and familiar.
  4. Avoid having address or phone fields that assume only a US citizen is going to purchase e.g. State fields that only allow a few characters entry. If you’re happy taking money from non-US purchasers, you MUST go to a tiny bit of effort to accept their address and telephone numbers painlessly!
  5. If you’ve got a country drop-down box, please list it in alphabetical order, and don’t put United States (or your country) at the top!
  6. Don’t just accept payment through PayPal. Many people have had bad experiences with PayPal and prefer to use alternative, simpler payment methods, also people from other countries simply cannot use Paypal.
  7. Make your site incredibly easy to buy from – no registration if possible, live chat, anything to make it friendly and easy to buy from.
  8. Take a picture of your office and add it to your contact us page with your company FAX number on it.
  9. Ensure that no point/page on your site is more than two clicks away from anywhere else on the site. Don’t bury your products in several pages of clickthroughs.
  10. Keep your initial products pages light and clean, with links to product details if visitors actually want to read.
  11. Build your site for the end user, not the search engines.

12 Responses

  1. I have a big issue with Paypal. They Hold a lot of my money because being a non western citizen. anyway I cant even activite Alertpay or Moneybroker for my site because chekour page doesn’t response.

    Please help

  2. feilong says:

    add products optiongroups is ok
    but if you delete one optiongroup,there is still a leftover “delete” appears at tail.
    It is a bug indeed.

  3. feilong says:

    I have edit the html structure of “Add Meta Box for ease” perhaps it would be of more elegant appearance?

    Here are the three files I have modified ๏ผš


  4. feilong says:

    I have emailed the three files I edited to duka{at}dukapress.org
    Please have a try using my edited files?

  5. feilong says:

    haha,I came back to see if the menbership has already been ready!

    I have write a post about dukapress usage abc,and want to deep into it following the new edition.

  6. I am using your Dukapress Shopping Cart. It’s awesome, but I don’t know how to set up my paypal checkout URL therefore, no one can checkout anytime soon?
    Please help, thanks.

    • Kelvin says:

      Thanks for trying out DukaPress. have you created your “checkout” and “thank you” pages? if yes, then go to DukaPress settings>Payment options and put in your PayPal ID.

      Your PayPal ID is the email address that you used to sign up for PayPal.

  7. Is it possible to change on the grid layout, where it show the price, just add below, the variation, so the price will be updated with the first variation, so with this, you can buy from the grid list… ONE PAGE SHOP !… thanks 100x for helping me on thin one

  8. Thanks for the post! It was very informative. However as per my point of view creativity is required to create and maintain any e-commercial portal. It should be simple, easy to understand and user friendly for the customers. Thatโ€™s more important because it will save time of the user to find anything online..
    Susan Smith.

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