DukaPress Taxation


Hello everyone!

First I want to thank you all for all the great suggestions, tips and ideas that you have been sending to us.

On analysing the feedback from you guys and girls, the issue of how DukaPress handles taxation has come out as one of the main areas that needs to be addressed. We hear you, and we’re now prepared to get our hands dirty and, finally, fix this. Thank you for your feedback!

Here are the features of the new taxation system that we hope to build into DukaPress:

  1. The ability to turn taxation on or off on a global level i.e. to remove taxes completely from your shop
  2. The ability to choose whether tax is applied before or after discounts are deducted. This will be on a global level.
  3. The ability to turn off taxes on a per-product basis
  4. The ability to set a different tax rate on a per-product basis

Now, the BIG question is, will this make DukaPress taxation work for you? Yes? Good! No? Why not?

Please do note that this represents what we believe will work for the great majority of our users. We choose not to build into the core of DukaPress features that are not useful for everyone, or nearly everyone (we do not want it to be as bloated as other carts out there).

However, please make your suggestions freely as we do listen and we are very eager to work with you to make DukaPress better for all of us. I’m hoping for some good comments to this post so that we go forward together. Thank you!

14 Responses

  1. Jeff Hardy says:

    Has anybody had trouble with finding a place to sign into your account log. Also how do you provide a form for someone to email you when they click on url you know it just goes to the host sign in so they need a place to write their email on site.

  2. Trena says:

    I would like the ability to exclude tax on orders outside of my state and to include tax for purchases within state limits.

    Such as we are located in California and purchases made from the state of Texas, I would like to exclude tax.

    Is this possible?

    • Kelvin says:

      Currently this cannot be done unless you modify DukaPress. But this is the purpose of this call for opinions – we’ll try very hard to implement what you need. 🙂

  3. Greg F says:

    I want to echo what Trena requested. In the USA, you typically don’t charge tax unless the purchase is from someone in the same state.

  4. luca says:

    I too echo Trena. I live in Italy and I need to charge with taxes only the clients in the European Union, but non from other countries.

    Anyway thanks for such a good product.

  5. luca says:

    Oh, and BTW I think that you may accomplish this goal using the same code of your Shipping Pro add-on, just targeting it at the taxation!

  6. Ted Helgeson says:

    I agree this is a nessessary feature. It all may change here in the states soon if our goverment has their way but for now if the buyer isnt from your home state, you dont charge tax. Cant this be accomplished simply by using an IF THEN ELSE statement to the buyers home state. Where as, IF the buyer is from the same state as the shop owner, THEN charge tax ELSE dont charge tax. (US Version anyway) not sure if that would work for Luca in Italy.

  7. katie says:

    The state thing is absolutely critical. In the US, there are legal ramifications, not to mention not wanting to charge customers tax if I oughtn’t be! If I don’t tax, I have to pay that tax out of pocket at some point!

  8. Kelvin says:

    Thank you for the strong opinions on this. Expect something soon 😀

  9. Brett says:

    I had before where visitors were entering in there own tax. This was not a good idea. Thanks for the add-on 🙂


  10. Jon Wilson says:

    I echo Trena. It sounds like you’re already working on it, but it’s pretty crucial for anyone using it in the US.


  11. WPC says:

    Yes, definitely very important to be able to charge tax accordingly. Tax amount or exemption of tax will depend on the state where the purchase has been made from. Please advice if any headway has been made and when could we expect to see something. Thank you!

  12. Lydia says:

    I agree with and strongly echo Trena and Ted Helgeson. I need to charge with taxes only the clients in my country.

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