At start: thanks for great and simply plugin! Simply and clever solution.
I trying to add some more variations to admin’s email when order is created.
Can add vatiations in dp-cart.php like:
$totalprice = $dpsc_total;
$shipping = $dpsc_shipping_value;
$paymentoption = __($payment_option, "dp-lang");
I need to print products table. When i use $products in line:
$array2 = array($billing_addreess, $order_id, $shipping_address, $invoice, $shop_name, $site_url, $transaction_log, $products);
it’s display all information from base about this products, like this:
, but i need to print only some fields like ‘name’ and ‘quantity’.
I’m a little stumped and need help. Can anyone help me with that problem?