Buy Now for single product creates tons of pending orders

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  • #1094
    Buy Now Bug

    I have set up a test site – trying to create my new site
    I have Dukapress working, but want a quick express checkout – directly to Paypal.

    To reproduce the bug should be easy.
    Take a product and change [dpsc_display_product direct=”true”]
    to [dpsc_display_product buy_now=”yes”]
    Then UPDATE and VIEW product.
    on my system the [dpsc_display_product direct=”true”] goes to checkout page
    BUT [dpsc_display_product buy_now=”yes”] starts a LOOP which may never end? and creates a ton of pending orders!!!

    THIS IS WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO DO:(from Dukapress documentation)

    Adding a “Buy Now” Button
    If you want the product to have a “Buy Now” button instead of “Add to Cart” then use this shortcode instead of the one above:
    [dpsc_display_product buy_now=”yes”]

    This will display a “Buy Now” button that will direct the customer straight to PayPal and by-pass the Checkout page completely. Please note that at this moment this button only works in single product pages and not the Grid products page.

    Buy Now Bug

    By the way – I would also like to add a custom field to a digital product “Product Key” which the customer supplies THEN on the Thank You Page I would like to generate a “License Key” field – from the Product Key.
    I can do the license generation, but not sure how to work with DukaPress, so that DukaPress would enter the “Product Key” in the orders database.
    Any ideas?


    Hmmm, the bug has been noted. Thanks for finding it – we’ll fix asap

    Buy Now Bug

    hmmm VERY nice of you to look into it so fast!
    here is hoping
    LUCKILY I have a million other problems, before my site is ready… ;}

    Buy Now Bug

    BY the way – can you somehow allow editing of our OWN posts?
    I hate to live with my AWFUL heading:
    “Buy Now for single product not creats tons of pending orders”

    This is what it should look like:
    “Buy Now for single product creates tons of pending orders”

    thank you again

    Buy Now Bug

    my million things to do got done(well almost)
    I need to use something soon
    how is the button fix doing?
    almost ready? ;={}


    Not sure what to say. We had started fixing it but we later tested it and it seems to work.

    Look here:

    We haven’t been able to reproduce the bug since 🙁

    Buy Now Bug

    OK the issue seems to be a FireFox related issue
    The BuyNow works in InternetExplorer and google Chrome but not FireFox

    site has the following code:
    var flag=0;var SalePriceLabel1=0; //whether ie or ff
    if(navigator.appName==”Microsoft Internet Explorer”){initialCost=SalePriceLabel1.value;flag=1;}
    so my question is WHY?
    Why does my site not have it?
    Is there a procedure to follow?
    OR is there a suggested plugin that I am not aware of.
    I cannot post a link, since my test site is not yet public…

    Buy Now Bug

    Can you please send an email when you have updated this?
    I lost 2 days, because I forgot to look – (my bad)
    thank you

    Buy Now Bug

    There is NO PROBLEM or NO BUG
    The problem was with MY FIREFOX cookies!
    see this OR just CLEAR YOUR COOKIES if you have any problems BEFORE doing anything

    WordPress Tips – Redirect Loop Problem, wp-login.php redirecting to wp-edit.php

    P.S. CLearing cookies means your passwords are CLEARED from your browser!

    Apologies to all.You may close this ticket.


    Goodness, sorry we didn’t respond to this immediately.

    I am very happy that we’ve solved this with your help.

    Had a couple of sleepless nights trying to find the bug :):)

    Cheers mate, good luck with everything you do.

    Buy Now Bug

    No worries mate! Happy to help.

    BTW is there a way to get the paypal(or other) customer’s transaction ID
    This is useful/needed for online content delivery.
    Otherwise how can I verify that the customer is the customer?
    Customer pays paypal.
    Customer is redirected back to site or returns later
    If anyone else returns and uses the payer email, they can “jump the queue” and get the content.
    The content is not delivered by email, as content can be huge.
    YES they have to know or guess the payer email – so not a huge problem.
    But that is what I worry about.
    The customer must supply a key, but everyone is provided a key, which is validated against payment by the payer_email.
    I want to validate a key against a customer provided transaction number also
    YES I get a transaction ID from paypal, but I would like to get the Customer’s transaction ID from Paypal so I can tell a pretend customer, from an email address.



    Unfortunately this capability is not presently in DukaPress.

    To add it in you’d have to modify the code. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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