Change "Add to Cart" font size

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  • #5796

    Hello Again,

    I saw a post discussing changing the “Add to Cart” font size and it’s said it can be done in the CSS, but I don’t know where I need to make that change?



    Try and “inpect element” using Google Chrome of Firefox with Firebug, you will get to see the CSS that controls the layout.

    You can then use it in your style.css to do whatever you want 🙂



    Thank you for your reply. I actually tried to do that. And, while I can see the CSS in Firebug that’s controlling it, I can’t see *where* that CSS is located within the files. No matter which .css sheet I open, those particular lines of code aren’t in there? What am I missing?

    Thank You,


    Actually most of the CSS hooks are not defined anywhere – they are just available for use when you need them.

    Just add them to your theme’s style.css or any other CSS file that is active.


    I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Something is telling the Add to Cart button how to look, somewhere. You’re saying it doesn’t exit anywhere so I can just create code to tell it how to look. But I need to know how it’s being defined so I even know how to address the code?

    Thanks for your help,


    After much searching, I have found what I was looking for. The “Add to Cart” font size is defined in #content text area { in the style.css file

    it was simply a matter of changing the pixel size there and adding the font definition.


    Glad you managed to get it working.

    What I meant, though was this:

    This bit of CSS can be used to change the “Add to Cart” button: .dpsc_submit_button

    However, the default DukaPress CSS files make no mention of this CSS class and neither can you find it anywhere.

    But if you open up your style.css and define .dpsc_submit_button and proceed to style it up, it will just work.


    While this worked:

    After much searching, I have found what I was looking for. The “Add to Cart” font size is defined in #content text area { in the style.css file

    It is not the optimal solution as it changes other things in your theme (most likely other buttons) – unless of course that is okay.

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