Inquiry Admin Email setting

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    I have Duka Press set up fine and it works but I need to make a small change. I built the site for a client and created the first id as admin with my email address. I then created the owners login account and made him an admin as well. When a visitor goes through our catalog and inquires about a product I get the e-mail. I want the inquiry to go to the owner. How can I make this change?

    Where can I change this and can someone explain how DukaPress and WordPress handle the admin e-mail.



    Well, the email is sent to the same address which receives other WordPress notifications from the site (e.g. new comments, new users).

    So, the same way that you can change the user who receives other WordPress admin notifications, it should work for DukaPress stuff.


    Thank you for the answer I will try to get this to working.

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