Product Grid Issue

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  • #2987

    Hi everyone,

    I’m attempting to get a gift basket site up and running and have run into an issue. For some unknown reason I can get the first product to show up properly within the grid, but I am having issues getting the other products to show up.

    I’ve looked through the forum and attempted some of the fixes I have found here. I tried to play around with the permalink settings in WordPress and through the PHP of DukaPress itself. I even tried multiple products to see if I could get it resolved. However, it’s just not working properly for me.

    Now, I did make a change to the PHP for DukaPress where the grid layout wouldn’t display the description/price/add to cart button. I didn’t mess with anything else though.

    The links go to the page properly, but even when I attempt to view the source of the page there is no for an image.

    Any thoughts?


    Can you give a link to you shop?

    Also, please verify that all your products have defined prices and that you are putting in the correct category IDs.


    here is the link we’re working on


    So as the new day rose and with my patience restored I tinkered around with the images and I appear to have found out what the problem was.

    It was another post here on the forums that caught my attention. It revolved around the Media Gallery’s use of the images. What I discovered was happening was that during the creation of some of the products if it was left in a Draft version before published the image was staying as property of the draft and not the published version and this was causing the issue of displaying on the grid.

    If for some reason something pops up proving this wrong I’ll make sure to update.

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