Too many images on product page.

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  • #2995
    Stephen Coley

    Hi. Firstly, what a great plugin. I’ve tried loads & Dukapress is looking like the way to go for me.

    And now for the problem… When I upload an image to a product page, I’m getting 3 versions showing when I upload the page!!! The original cropped image I’ve uploaded, a small thumbnail & a large version as well. I only want 1 version of the image that’s enlarged with lightbox (as my original image is).I have tried to set the thumbnail & orignal image sizes to ‘0’ or ‘-‘ in the settings page, but I still get 3 images.

    Please help 🙂


    Hey Stephen. Thanks for trying out DukaPress. 🙂

    May I please see an example of this on your site?

    What I suspect is happening is that your are inserting the image into the post after uploading. If you do this, you will have the images automatically generated by DukaPress as well as the one you inserted.

    See this:

    I’d like to see the page so that we can solve this!

    Stephen Coley

    Thanks for the reply… Yep I had inserted the image into the post. I’ve just removed the image, but I’m still getting 2 images showing. One small, with the larger one overlapping. Example is here

    Stephen Coley

    ??? Not sure why my link was deleted??

    Stephen Coley

    Was that the correct link? I can only see one image….

    Also, please do note that DukaPres DOES show multiple images: one main image and others as thumbnails. Usually the thumbnails are smaller and should not overlap but may occasionally do so in some themes.

    It is easy to fix that by CSS, though.

    Here is an example:

    Stephen Coley

    Hi. Yep the link was correct. I’ve fixed it now. Basically I’m just using the insert product information only code.

    I can’t understand why you’d want 2 images the same on your product page? As it is now, by using the wordpress insert image option, I’ve got 1 image that can be enlarged with lightbox… Simple 🙂


    Glad it worked for you!

    The functionality is needed when you have more than one image to showcase the product. You can also choose not to show the thumbnail images easily.

    Anyway, I am happy that you found a solution. 🙂

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