Variations and Pricing

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    When adding variations to products, the actual ‘Price’ field has to be set to 0, otherwise the price in there gets added to the prices placed in the variations price field.

    Was this intentional? Because when using the grid view, all products with variations will then show up with prices as $0, which looks really weird…


    When viewing it in the grid layout, the price that you entered in the ‘price’ field shows up correctly. However once you click on the item in the grid to go to the single product page, the price in the ‘price’ field is then added to the ‘variation price’.

    Eg: Price ‘$30’, Variation price: ‘$30’
    Price in grid: ‘$30’ Price on product page: ‘$60’

    So it’s either set the price to $0, and have it show up as $0 in the grid view and the correct price on the product page, or have it as the prie $30, have it show up on grid view as $30, and have it as $60 on the product page!!!


    Hmmm, this was intentional. But perhaps we need to rethink.

    However look at a product like this one:

    It seems to work fine when the first variation price is 0 – which means it takes on the base price of the product. And it means you don’t have the problem you describe.



    Hi Kelvin,

    I set the first variation price to zero, and it did take on the base price. However the second and third variation’s prices still got ‘added on’ to the base price.

    Not sure how you did it on the demo, there isn’t a backend for the demo that we could login to is there?


    This is the custom field value that I used: Size|Small|Medium;50.00|Large;80.00

    yes, the amounts do get “added on”.

    So if you want a variation to cost 40 and the base is 10, make its price 30.

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