What does DukaPress mean?
‘Duka’ is the Swahili word for shop. Loosely, DukaPress means “shoppress”. We like to think it means the most complete and usable e-commerce solution for wordpress, though.

Why aren’t pictures showing?
Please read this first: We live in a bad world.

Unfortunately, for security reasons, web hosts sometimes disable timthumb from working. This is the script that handles images in DukaPress. To fix this, kindly ask your webhost to allow timthumb to work. All the good webhosts will do this for you in two minutes!

If the above fails, then:

  1. Make sure that the Cache folder inside DukaPress is write-able by the server otherwise the images will not show up correctly. Here’s how to do this.
  2. Tests show that your images will not show properly until you save your DukaPress settings the first time. This is because ‘saving’ configures the database tables properly to make everything work! (Magically.)

Why is the make payment button not working?

  1. Nine out of ten times, this is because there is a javascript error somewhere on your site. The first place to look is your theme – try and run DukaPress using the default WordPress theme to confirm if it is your theme that is failing you.
  2. Another reason is usually the pdf folder inside of DukaPress. Please try make it writable.

Why doesn’t DukaPress work for me? It seems to work for everyone else

No. Nothing is wrong with you. πŸ™‚

We test DukaPress on a large number of different server set-ups and envrionments and we are satisfied that it does work in these environments. However, the number of different environments ‘out there’ is infinite and we cannot possibly test on every single environment. If everything that you try fails to work, perharps you should move your site to one of the more common web hosts? Look here for hosts that we know work with DukaPress.

Why isn’t the Grid Display working?
You currently HAVE to have at least one custom field per prodct in order for those products to show up in the grid display properly.

Why am I getting multiple/many emails when an order is placed?
If you are getting many emails with the subject “Receipt of Order No: xxxxx“, then it may be because you have PayPal IPN settings turned on. Please turn them off.

Why isn’t the “Inquiry”/”Catalogue mode” working properly?
Right now, it works very similarly to the regular shop mode – i.e. when people click on the “Inquire” button, it adds the product(s) to the shopping cart. When the site vistors go to checkout, they will then be presented with a form which they fill to inquire about products in the cart. You therefore HAVE to have your shopping cart widget displaying somewhere for the “Inquire” button to work.

Why is nothing happening when I press “Add to cart”? Why is the AJAX not working?
The cart should be inside DIV with class=”dpsc-shopping-cart”.

Just put the cart code inside DIV tags to look like:

cart code

267 Responses

  1. Shelly says:

    Does the cart allow for product personalization?
    Example: A t-shirt with the option of adding a name.

    The customer would then type the name in they would like added.


    • Kelvin says:

      This is not available right now. But as I said elsewhere, it will be possible soon. Thank you for taking the time out to suggest this.

      • Neill says:


        I’ve tried Dukapress and it is brilliant. Whilst it has almost everything we need we are desperatly waiting for the text personalisation update before we can get our site working. We have potentially hundreds of personalised gift products which require between 1 and 5 lines of personalisation and a Christmas product that needs over ten lines of personalisation.

        I appreciate you are all very busy but do you have any idea when the personalisation update will be available.


  2. celine says:

    hi kelvin, is there some how I can pass you the details privatly?

  3. Ovidiu says:

    not sure where to post problems, have tried the wordpress forums, maybe have a look here? http://wordpress.org/support/topic/assorted-dukapress-problems?replies=1#post-1930476

  4. Bruce D. says:

    Hello, I am building a website for a client and thought your plugin looked interesting. The big problem I’m up against is that the site I’m building http://blcvintagegifts.com is selling antique/collectables, and all are one of a kind. I need a plugin that will show a “quantity available” for each item so that it starts with 1 and when purchased, shows zero. Will yours do that? Another option would be to remove the listing altogether once the item is purchased.

    Thanks for your help.


  5. Marco says:

    Thanks for the Plugin! But one Thing doesn’t work: I could not send the payment Notifikation. Could you help me? Best Regards

  6. Mike says:

    i have set up variations for size, but when an item is ordered, it isnt easy to view what size they have ordered, have to click on each transaction id in turn. is it possible to download all the data to a spreadsheet, so can view all the names and sizes at once?

  7. Mike says:

    although the problem is in the back end…

  8. Trena says:

    In the NEW version, how do I access & print the invoice? I can only see what was ordered (i.e. order log) but not the actual invoice.

    Please advise. Thanks

    • Kelvin says:

      The PDF invoice is now optional and you have to turn it on in the basic DukaPress settings if you need it. Orders generated when it is off do not show the invoice download option.

      • Trena says:

        Yes, I am aware that it is optional. I checked the box to ‘enable pdf’ option. Unfortunately I do not have a download button.

        • Kelvin says:

          Does that happen for all products? When we test, it just happens during the time when invoices are off (and persists on those orders even when it is later turned on).

  9. arthur says:

    Hi DukaPress team. I’ve tried everything(what you suggested(host, theme change, cache) and can’t seem to get the thumbnail to come up with price and add to cart button. Also no sizes options are showing up….please advise

    • Kelvin says:

      Are you using the product display shortcode (this one: [dpsc_display_product] ) on product pages? This is the problem…

      Also, how are you adding images to the product? You need to actually upload them instead of getting them from another URL – they need to be attached to the product post.

      This will help: http://help.ourduka.com/creating-a-product/

      • arthur says:

        Hi Kelvin,

        Thanks for that enlightening post. Now I have done that, and when I go to the page I get an error and the pic won’t show..here is the error I’m getting

        Fatal error: Call to undefined function dp_pnj_mzp_effect() in /home/art0311/menuah.com/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/php/dp-products.php on line 132

        what am I doing wrong..?

        • Kelvin says:

          Change the image effect from Magic Zoom. I recommend JQZoom for a similar effect, or Lightbox.

          • arthur says:

            that is wonderful….I just like to thank you and let you know that you’ve been a fantazmic help. I’m just facing one issue now. When I press “make a payment” on the checkout screen nothing happens. I have tried it with another theme and it works, but I really like this theme and would like to know if there is any other way I can make that button work with the theme I have…thanks again and your help is greatly appreciated. Kind Regards

  10. Mark says:

    Maybe I over-looked this somewhere but when a customer hits “empty your cart” the cart is emptied and they are re-directed to the home page… how do i make it redirect to my “products” page…. thanks.

  11. alexis says:

    Hi, How can I put wholesales/retail on my product?

    Thank you in advance. πŸ™‚

  12. arthur says:

    Dear duka team,

    I wanted to see if there is a way I can remove the long list of countries during checkout, or at least have it default to united states of america.

    • Kelvin says:

      In dukapress.php on line 26, you can find the list of countries. The order there is the same on displayed on your checkout page. If you change it, it changes. Also, you can remove any countries that you will not be serving.

  13. Shelly says:

    Can an item or items be listed for free? I ask because it still asks for a payment method on the checkout page? This would be a great idea for people wishing to give an item away. Thanks!

  14. Haris says:

    Is importing and exporting of inventory possible?
    I mean i need a list of items to be mailed or to get a pdf so that I can have a list that what items are left in my store and how much are sold???

    Thanks in advance

    • Kelvin says:

      This is not easily possible right now. It is among the huge list of things that need to be done. However, when done, it will be to upload/download a .csv file containing your products and their details.

  15. Haris says:

    One thing more is there any way i (admin) can get the email of the order given by the client???

    Thanks in Advance

  16. Neill says:


    Is it possible to download customer order data using a .csv format. This would be really useful when creating address labels, sending email newsletters etc.


  17. arthur says:

    Hi Kelvin,

    After I use the category display: [dpsc_grid_display category=”4” total=”12″ column=”2″ per_page=”6″ type=”duka” order=”ASC”]

    is there a way adjust the squares where the pic and the add to cart button is showing?

    I want to make the pics a little larger.

    • Kelvin says:

      Well, of course you can do this!

      1. Inside DukaPress admin under basic settings you can adjust the size of the thumbnails.

      2. You can then work with CSS to make it look just the way you want it – everything can be styled up by CSS – say “inspect element” when using Firebug/Google Chrome and you will see all the “CSS hooks”

      3. Alternatively, if you are not comfortable with CSS you can use: http://dukapress.com/products/styles/

  18. Hi there, how do i change this?


    I want to change also the first CSS column but i cannot find the file that do so..

  19. Lubna says:

    why doesn’t the post type template option appear on the product page, the same way it appears on the post page?

  20. Ted says:

    Have you developed such a thing as a “Product Template” that can be used to “create New Products” within Dukapress? Here is what i mean…. you are selling laptops and you have 10 netbooks that are 2 dells 3 HP’s 3 Acers and the rest are other companies(MSI,Gateway, whatever) all of them are white and have 160gb HDD and a gig of ram. The only basic differance is brand and maybe price….. you use a template to enter all the basic information and then tweak the info after it is created into a product listing. Is it possible to do this or is this something that could be put into future versions?

    • Kelvin says:

      Unfortunately this is something that we’d all want but it is not yet there. πŸ™ But thanks for the idea – it will definitely be in a future release!

  21. Jennifer says:

    I’m full proficient in CSS and somewhat proficient in PHP, but I look at the HTML code, php code and CSS for DukaPress and see divs and classes that I’m not finding the dpsc-basic.css page. Is there another CSS page that I’m not seeing?

    • Kelvin says:

      I encourage you to think of these CSS classes and divs as “hooks” that you can use for more control on how your shop looks. There is no other stylesheet apart from dpsc-basic.css but these “CSS hooks” are available so that you have more and fuller control on your shop’s look and feel.

  22. Ted says:

    I think the CSS your looking for is located under the dukapress plugin. Under the plugins menu, click editor then in the upper right corner you’ll see the drop down for the different plugins. Choose the dukapress plugin and you’ll find the CSS located in the right column under dpsc-basic.css .

  23. celine says:

    hello again, quick quiery, I added a new price when we had a sale, and now i cant seem to get rid of it again, I have managed to change it to a new one so you can see the actual price crosse dout and then written again. any ideas?

  24. celine says:

    oh I tried that with one product and it worked, but with the other, when i rpressed up date, nothing changed and he new price custom field is still there with the price in.

  25. Hi,

    I want to multiple products on the same page with sizes next to them, if I could maybe in 2 columns. It seems I can only have it in a grid, and once I make any changes to the CSS code to have it show the thumbnail and the sizes next to them, once I refresh, it goes back to the same thumbnail and the main product image size. Can I remove the Basics settings porduct image sizez, but still keep the sizes ex.(small, med, large) option for the product?

    • Kelvin says:

      Where are you making the CSS changes?

      The only way to achieve what you are looking for is to edit the Grid Shortcode to show the products variations on there.

      • Hi Kelvin,

        I make changes by rightclicking and selecting Inspect in google chrom. how would I edit the grid to show just the thumbnail pic and the sizes next to it, as well has have several products with sizes showing on the same page.

        • Kelvin says:

          If you make changes that way they will never be permanent. You need to edit the dpsc-basic.css file inside DukaPress.

          As for editing the Grid to do that, I am sorry but it is not a simple process. You basically need to edit the way the shortcode is displayed such that it shows the variations. Moreover, you need to edit the javascript to make the add to cart button on grid pages work with the variations.

  26. fred says:

    Hi there,

    Thank you for this plugin, nice work ! light and easy to use.
    I have an issue with th image display in the product page. I would like it to be resized but the changes don’t work. I have modified the width and height into dpsc-basic.css and dukapress.php but nothing seems to happened, only the changes on “image section” take effect.

    is there a js file to modify ?

    sorry for my english and thank you for your help.

  27. Lyuben says:

    Does anybody has an idea how can I resolve this:


    In a grid display of the products the field with the link goes out of the products box.

    Thanks in advance,

    • Kelvin says:

      This is purely a CSS issue caused by your theme. You can solve it by changing the CSS under this class: dpsc_grid_product_detail

      Please “inspect element” using Firefox (with firebug) or Chrome to see what I mean.

  28. Lyuben says:

    Well, actually not. I managed to remove the whole field with the price, link and “Add to cart”, but couldn’t fix the actual problem. Thanks a lot anyway.:)

  29. Vee says:

    Hi, I love your shopping cart and have had no problems at all until I added my last product. On the product page there are two small boxes showing that look like placeholders for images that aren’t there. The address showing up for these “images” when I check the property is: http://MySite.com/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/lib/timthumb.php?src=http://MySite.com/wp-content/uploads/caribbean-sauce.png&w=92&h=144&zc=1 …and the link shows up as… http://MySite.com/wp-content/uploads/caribbean-sauce.png. I have another image on the page and haven’t opted for any thumbnails I thought maybe it was a mistake that I made so I deleted the product post and re-created it, but it’s still occurring. I’ve had no problem whatsoever with the other products and this was done using the exact same steps? On the grid page an image placeholder is showing for this product, too, although, umm, I haven’t quite figured out yet how to add thumbnails to the grid and haven’t tackled this yet. :))

  30. Vee says:

    Hi. Thank you for responding so quickly. I looked at the link and I use hostgator so will request they whitelist my site, but it doesn’t explain why broken thumbnail images are showing up on only one product page and only that item in the grid. I haven’t tried to use thumbnails, and the rest of my products do not display any broken links.

  31. Suzy says:

    Hi, I need a cart that can sell virtual products without the requirement for customers to create an account first. Can dukapress do this?

    Thank you


  32. DT says:

    Hi Kevin,

    Would you expand on “Why isn’t the β€œInquiry”/”Catalogue mode” working properly?” .
    I got the inquiry form and then submit via “Ask for Quote” button but it the inquiry form did not go any where. Does the inquiry form lodge to somewhere?

    How can I get inquiry form to send it my email address?

    Many thanks

  33. Aru says:

    Hey Guys, the plugin is recently working well!
    I just got one question!
    Is it possible to edit the required fields in checkout page?
    because i, for example, only offer things our customers have to come for.
    There is no Shipping!
    Instead of one of the field (phone number, for example) i would like to get a field called “Comments on Order” or something like that.

    regards Aru

    • Kelvin says:

      Hello Aur. I am sorry to say that right now doing this is somewhat difficult. You have to edit the code manually. πŸ™

      • Aru says:

        Hey Kelvin Thanks for your Answere =)
        iIs it only one page editing or do i have to edit more pages then (maybe because the other pages seraching for the information) ?

        thanks =)

  34. Piggyimp says:

    I’m using the [dpsc_grid_display] shortcodes to generate product category pages on my site, but the resulting pages include all the products I have posted, not just those with the relevant category tags. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong here?
    A typical usage of the shortcode is [dpsc_grid_display category=”Jewellry” total=”120″ column=”3″ per_page=”6″ type=”duka” order=”DESC”] .
    Many thanks.

  35. tad says:

    I would like to have product page display the old price alongside the new. How can i acomplish this?

  36. Liz Tonkin says:

    Hi Guys

    Not sure if I have missed something but when I try and remove the special price I have on some items it keeps returning. I have deleted it and clicked save then update but after update the special price returns?

  37. Eri Yanuar says:

    I Love DukaPress so much, this plugin is simple and easy to use… I’m Loving It…..

    Good Work for all the team πŸ™‚

  38. Robert says:

    In the product grid, even in your demo video, the product options (size etc.) do not display, only the standard product option can be added to the cart.

    What’s the answer to this? How is it possible to show product options in the grid? Without the options showing, the grid isn’t really useful.

    • Kelvin says:

      At this time, you cannot show the options on the Grid. Maybe a possible solution is to not display the “add to cart” on the grid?

    • Manfred Ng says:

      Hi i have a website that uses dukapress. I think you are looking for something like what i have http://www.harmonicamegamall.com.sg, what you need is to add an extra line “$content .= $output[‘dropdown’];” in the dp-products.php file under ” * Shortcode to display product in grid views”. This extra line adds the drop down into the grid page. and just like the product page. I hope this helps.

      • Robert says:

        That might be the answer… it certainly looks like it! Many thanks.

        I’d like to widen the product box a little, so I’ll have a look around and see if I can find how the size is defined. More grid display style options would be my priority for Dukapress. I’d like a full width single line product list option as well.

        Excellent help, thanks again

      • Robert says:

        ALMOST. So CLOSE!
        It works, to add the dropdown, but my options have different prices, and it isn’t adding the option prices to the cart total. Do you have that problem Manfred?


        • Manfred Ng says:

          Sorry i dun get what you mean,do you have a working page to show? for mine the prices are the same that is why when you choose them there is not much of a different.

          • Robert says:

            Thanks for coming back on this…

            Here’s the page I’m testing it on. It’s just a gash page on a site I manage, with some dummy data…


            If you select a “5-7” from the options, it should add to the price for the product, but it doesn;t work. When you add to cart, you just get the 1-4 price.


            • Manfred Ng says:

              Hi Robert, thanks for sharing, I am sorry i am not able to help on this i am not train in php editing, may be Kelvin can help to work on this.

              For my purchase since there is no price variance therefore it work for me.

  39. Adrianne says:

    I’m having a problem with the digital downloads.

    I set everything up according to the instructions on this site, but the customer is not getting a download link after the PayPal transaction has gone through.

    Also, is there away to designate that the digital download does not require shipping costs, while the physical products do?

  40. Jeff says:

    Trying to use the: [dpsc_grid_display] shortcode and I don’t get what you’re getting in the video.

    Mine is just a list of items without pictures.

    [dpsc_grid_display category=”1″ total=”12″ column=”3″ per_page=”4″ type=”duka” order=”DESC”]


  41. Jeff says:


    I don’t see anything on this part. Is there a way of having the cart on the page instead of a widget?

  42. Vee says:

    Can you explain how the payment by Back acct works? If I’m using paypal can I have the payments deposited into my pp acct?

  43. Dear Kevin, I’ve got a problem for editing product. I’ve add a product, and it could be displayed well. But somehow, I can’t edit the product options. I’ve tried different ways, but I cant managed to remove one/both of the product’s price (i could change it though), and can’t add/remove dropdown options.
    Is it a bug or there’s something wrong with my dukapress /setting?

    PS : right now I’m using WordPress 3.2.1 and DukaPress 2.3.1.

  44. Alexandro says:

    “The plugin generated 1486 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice β€œheaders already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”

    what must i do?? please help me..

    • Kelvin says:

      I’m not sure why this happens but I’ve seen it happen on one of my own sites. Please try and use DukaPress regardless of this warning – you will not get any problems. I haven’t.

  45. Liz Tonkin says:

    Hi Folks

    Having a drama with my size drop down boxes on product pages. Firstly in Ladies when you clicked on the size drop down box it opened a link to a page I had a link to in my content description box. So I removed the link in the content description box and it fixed it. Now the problem has moved to the mens and kids pages, they weren’t doing it previously.

    I can go and remove that link on all the mens and kids but wondered why it is happening in the first place?

  46. Michael says:

    Hi there,
    is there a way to display product prices(on product pages) including tax, and at the checkout display the tax content of the whole order as well???

    eg…people want to know the total they are paying for an item….including the tax…but we are required(by law) to display the tax included at checkout time.

  47. alida says:

    I wish I’d seen this plugin before I went with wp-ecommerce. Before I try this product could you let me know if you have some sort of importer that would import all of my wp-ecommerce products or would I need to recreate them from scratch?

  48. amy says:

    i am having trouble with the make payment button on the checkout page. i have checked to make sure it is not the theme and also checked to make sure pdf folder is writable. what else could it be? nothing happens when it is clicked.

    • Kelvin says:

      Hmm, please try once more when using TwentyTen or TwentyEleven (WordPress default themes). If the button still does not work, next you should try and deactivate all other plugins and see is one causes a conflict. if it still does not work then I would have to say it is the server environment. Please try the above and tell me how it goes..

  49. Aru says:

    Hey Kelvin I’ve got another problem again.
    When I order something in my shop the one who ordered get’s an email ith innovice and so on. Great. But i don’t get any.
    You may have an idea why?


    • Kelvin says:

      I believe under email settings, the emails sent to the admin/customer when an order is placed have the same identical variables so the fact that you are not getting something the customer is getting is that you have not sent the same items to admin/customer.

      Check your email settings.

  50. charles says:

    Thank you for the great plugin. I love it.
    I expect one function:
    I wonder if it is possible give one special customer (or member) one digital product free download (as he/she already paid ).
    If can, how to do it?
    someone can help me
    Thank you in advance

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