Report Bugs in DukaPress


Thanks to all who have tried DukaPress. If you find bugs or errors in the plugin, please post it here. Thanks

23 Responses

  1. peura says:

    Thanks for this nice plugin. However, it seems that I can’t update the number of items in the cart. Is it only me? Your demo installation works fine.I have installed it on two different servers with your demo xml-file and have the same error. Any idea what the problem could be?

  2. peura says:

    thank you so much! 🙂

  3. peura says:

    Hi, sorry to bother you again, but is there any chance to download it on this site? There hasn’t been any update at yet.
    Thanks in advance!

    • Parshwa says:

      Hi, Sorry for the delay. It is done along with few new features. I am testing them now and will upload it and let you know soon.

    • Parshwa says:

      Hi, I have fixed the bugs and updated it on WordPress. The changes should reflect in 15-30 mins or so.

  4. RaulK says:

    Hi, breadcrumb is of this type:
    home>category>single product page
    instead of
    home>product page*>single product page.It’s a bug?
    *built with the shortcode [dpsc_grid_display category=”1” total=”12″ column=”3″ per_page=”4″ type=”duka”]

  5. Ameise says:


    I have two little bugs.

    1. On edit post screen, choose one (or more) dropdown for variations. Then delete it again, update post… On my testsite – in frontend there stays an empty select.

    2. Same place on edit screen, try to delete one variation immediatly after adding… Because the admin.js does not include jQuery().live(‘click’,function(){}); on that element, the elemnt is not deleteable. Could be solved in dukapress-admin.js on line 45. Please then include a return false – so the screen doesnt jump when clicking.
    I solved this with:

    jQuery('#dp_deletestring a').live('click',function(evt){
    // ajax post stuff

    One feature request. I would love to translate DukaPress into my language.

    Thanks for this great plugin!

    Greets from Germany

    • Kelvin says:

      Thanks for the bug report, and the fix!! About the translation, we’re working on this and will include it asap, so that you can translate easy 🙂

      Thanks, again

  6. Mark Penney says:

    fantastic plug in – a few small issues to work out;
    setting up and testing

    1 – no currency symbol is displayed next to the price in the product display grid, and also in the product page. (putting the $ symbol in dukapress settings adds it to the option pull down menus)

    2 – pagination beyond 2 pages isn’t working for me ( the pages are generated fine but the text links to them stop at page 2 see: )

    3 – attempting to limit the grid to 2 pages I found that pagination also has issues when the grid displays 12 or more products, it won’t show links to the second page.

    Keep up the great work ~ many thanks.

    • Kelvin says:

      Mark, thanks for reporting this. We’re working on it. However, the pagination seems to be working fine and we can’t replicate the errors 🙁

      Thanks again for using DukaPress!

  7. Ameise says:

    Hello Kelvin.

    Thank you, too!

    I did not find any email contact on your site. I worked these days on some bugfixes for my installation. If you like, I can send the files or a list with found “mini-bugs ans solutions” – just need an address…

    You are no more in need to use the livequery-plugin, because the latest version of JQuery does support live on submit actions.

    Than a little tip from mine: take a look at this: jQZoom – . Its a Free alternative to magiczoom. I dont like those “upgrade to pro version”- things on all images;)
    Just a tip.

    Best regards,

  8. Following are a couple of issues we’ve encountered.

    Images attach as expected if they are selected directly from the hard disk. But, they do not seem to attach if they are selected from the WordPress media gallery.

    When we receive an email from an “Inquiry”, the From field of the message contains the email address of the WordPress site’s admin. In the body of the email there is a “From” field that has the email address of the sender.

    My guess is that “From” field that is in the body was meant to be in the header, but it was formed in a way that the mailer didn’t like.

    Some mailers seem work with “/r/n” after each header item, others seem to work with just “/n” after each header item.

    Other than those issue, everything else is working pretty well.

  9. This morning while checking my site I noticed that the photos used for products aren’t showing up. So, I checked my other site also where I use dukapress and the product photos are not showing up there either.

    Any ideas why?

  10. Mia says:

    Hi, Kelvin. Thanks for this great plugin. I really like it but i found it doesn’t support chinese…it’s okay that admin panel and the store are all in english but the problem is when trying to fill the first name and last name in chinese in the billing address form, it says: ‘Please write only text here’ :O and in the pdf downloaded after finish checkout. all the chinese characters are “????” 🙁

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