TwentyShop – A WordPress Theme Made For DukaPress


TwentyShop - WordPress DukaPress themeWe built DukaPress with lots of “CSS hooks” – meaning that everything that DukaPress outputs can be controlled through CSS. You can therefore style every single element of what DukaPress outputs. TwentyShop is a first step in showing you how to do this. We hope to release more and more child themes (and even full blown themes) to demonstrate DukaPress styling in the future.

TwentyShop is a free WordPress child theme for the Twenty Ten theme. TwentyShop is equipped with all the features of the Twenty Ten theme such as:

  • WordPress 3.0 Menus
  • Custom Background Option
  • Header Images Option
  • Featured Post Images Option
  • Widget Ready Sidebars
  • Clean Semantic Web Markup



6 Responses

  1. chris says:


    The theme looks cool. I’m wondering how the live site managed to do that thing with the view by price ($5 or less, $5 to $10 etc etc) and view by material used. How did they get it to appear in the menus on the sidebar and navigation?

    I tried to replicate with custom menus adding categories (from my DukaPress products) into it, but doesn’t work. I’ve even installed the TwentyShop theme hoping to figure out from inside there but no luck.

    Any hints on how i can get that done?

    Thanks a lot! Your plugin is awesome!

    • Kelvin says:

      WordPress currently cannot display custom post types on category or tag pages unless you modify your theme (this will be fixed in WordPress 3.1). Therefore, on, what we did was create those pages using the Grid Display shortcode on many different pages which display a certain appropriate category of products.

  2. chris says:

    i’ve been experimenting with dukapress, and not sure if what i want to try is possible. I’m currently helping a friend create an online shop, and one of the things she needs is a gallery of past items (which are discontinued).

    I was able to make modifications to the code such that if there’re no more of a particular item in stock, the text “in stock” would be replaced by “Discontinued”. However, even though i’m able to do that, the price and variations of the items still show up. Is there anything i can do to make it such that the price and variation information will be hidden for items that have no stock left?

    • Hi Chris, I have the same need as your friend did! Were you successful?

      • Chris says:

        Nope. unfortunately i wasn’t able to find a way around that problem. So the prices just were left there. I tried playing around with the php code as well, but didn’t manage to do anything to get the effect i wanted. I did bring it up to the development team though, so maybe they might consider doing something like that as a future feature of the template?

        • Kelvin says:

          Ok, I’ll have someone look into getting this into the very next release or as soon as possible – sorry it took so long.

          Would it be enough to just mark out of stock items with a different CSS class? Or are you thinking along the lines of automatically shifting them to a different category?

          What would be the best way around this, according to you?

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