DukaPress & Thesis


This past week, we got a whole host of complaints that DukaPress was not working properly with Thesis. It seems that when you activated Thesis, the DukaPress “Products” menu in WordPress admin disappeared.

The good news is that we have fixed this and you can use DukaPress with Thesis again. 🙂

The problem was that when registering the DukaPress custom post type for products, we declared the menu position as follows:

‘menu_position’ => 30,

It turns out the position ’30’ conflicts with Thesis.

The simple solution si to change the “30” to be any other number but this may bring up conflicts with other things so this is how we did it:

‘menu_position’ => null,

Therefore, if you are facing this problem, just look for menu_position in dp-products.php (inside the DukaPress php folder) and make the changes as above.

We apologise for any inconveniences that this caused you.

If you are not sure about editing code, you can download and install the “development version” of DukaPress which contains this fix.

The “Buttons in Half” Problem
Another problem is that sometimes the DukaPress buttons are cut in half. This can be fixed by CSS by including the following CSS in dpsc-basic.css inside DukaPress:

.dpsc_submit_button, .dpsc-checkout input [type='submit'] {width: 100%;}

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