Checkout without payment/buying

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  • #4601

    Hi there.

    One client needs this:

    * A online catalog where you can see details about the product, images of it, its price and then order the product, but actually without buying it. That is: no shopping cart with payment methods, shipment, etc.

    The actual buying will happen later one, not necessary online.

    What I want to ask is this: Can DukaPress have a cart without the charging (through payment methods) steps? That is, you add N products to your cart and at the checkout the shop will send a receipt with your product list and final price to a given e-mail?

    Thank you in advance,


    Have you tried running DukaPress in “Inquiry Shop Mode”? (this setting si in basic shop settings)

    if that does not work then I would recommend modifying slightly the “pay on delivery” payment option i.e. have the customer go through the process as normal but change the words that he sees on the “thank you” page and in the emails sent to him.


    Actually, I wanted to know if this option was available before setting up my test environment. Now that I know there is a possibility, I will check if this option fulfills my need.

    Thank you for your support!

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