dukapress pages break with new theme

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  • #6338
    Kevin Jones


    I’m having an issue on my page, whenever i try to preview my new design, all of the dukapress pages convert to look like blog posts, with no images showing or way to actually view the full post.

    what is very unusual is that despite new html, the backend stuff was untouched from the previous design. ( the current design up is the old one, which works. )

    if anyone has any idea why this is happening would be really useful,


    Kevin Jones

    well… I’m an idiot 😛

    one of my PHP files didn’t load when i installed my theme.

    it couldn’t find single.php because it was labeled: single.PHP

    though useful for future reference, if you ever need it


    I am GLAD you sorted this out. Thanks for notifying us of what was wrong.

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