Shipping Pro Checkout: Issue with Shipping Address

Home Forums General Help Shipping Pro Checkout: Issue with Shipping Address

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years ago by James.
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    I think there is a logic issue in the checkout when using Shipping Pro.
    When the checkout page is shown initially, just the Billing Address is shown (good) and the “I have a different Shipping Address” is unchecked (good).
    However, if I then select a region (in order that the shipping costs can be calculated), the Shipping Address section is then shown and the “I have a different Shipping Address” is checked automatically.

    I think the Shipping Address should remain hidden until the customer specifically checks the “different Shipping Address” box. As it stands now, they have to deselect it, which is annoying as the majority of customers will indeed ship to the billing address.

    Can you change the logic here (and if possible post a patch?)



    Hi James!

    The idea behind this behavior was that if most users who use this have a billing address different from their shipping address.

    Additionally, and importantly, when you select a shipping location (say Africa – as set by the shop admin), the shipping address “country” field will be limited only to Africa. We felt imposing such a limitation on the billing address would be not a good idea.

    Hence that is why the shipping pops up by default.

    What do you think?



    I guess it’s a difference of perspective, but I still think that the shipping region could be defaulted to the relevant area, even if the shipping address is hidden initially?

    I guess it depends on the shop – if it’s a gift shop then maybe the shipping address will mostly be different to the billing, but for most things people are shopping for themselves so billing and shipping addresses will be the same…

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