Worldpay and payment responses

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  • #2748
    Andy Hughes


    I am currently adding this plugin to a clients website and I am having a issue regarding worldpay. My problem is that after the payment process has been completed the order is not getting set as paid, no conformation is sent out and you are not redirected back to the websites thank you page.

    The payment response url on worldpay is currently set as the thank you page with it enabled plus its set in Dukapress’s settings. I have tested making a purchase via Paypal and it all works perfectly, am I missing something here?


    Hi Andy,

    You’ve got much further than me! I’m getting:
    “Cannot find an available route for the purchase. This may be caused by merchant configuration or remote systems failures”

    What did you use as the route / Payment Response URL in your world pay settings?

    Many thanks!


    Andy Hughes

    For the payment response URL I have used the thank you page since that is what seem to work for Paypal :-/


    Hello guys. Sorry for slow response on this.

    I know this probably will not make you happy, but could you please try contact WorldPay? I was talking to another DukaPress user and he told me WorldPay was able to resolve their issues very quickly.

    I am still trying to get a solution, though. 🙂


    OK – if anyone has any guidance on settings for Worldpay, that would be great. Has anyone actually got it working?

    Andy Hughes

    This is still a issue I have resolved as of yet but Im starting to get there. I have called Worldpay and they have pointed out that the response url ends up as a 404 error page. they suggested it’s to do with a JavaScript issue and missing pages but even creating a bare page template with the thank you page content on it still results in a 404 error.

    I have not come across this to suggest a solution


    So, after wasting 2 days on writing a regex to rewrite all the javascript and CSS links in the thank you page to point to the local folder on WorldPay, only to find that their documentation is out of date, and the recommended way to implement a payment processed page (which we want to be the DukaPress thank you page), you just point it to a page on your server that contains a meta refresh tag to the actual thank you page!

    So, in my WorldPay settings, I’ve set Payment Response URL to:

    <wpdisplay item=MC_callback-ppe empty=””&gt;

    So I’ve created a php page for that, containing the meta refresh tag:

    <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0;URL=’'&#8221; />

    And on that php page I loop through all the querystring parameters and output them as hidden form fields, outputting some javascript to post the form to the thank you page. I do have to rename the name field to wpnm, as name is a reserved field in WordPress, and the page doesn’t load if you don’t change it.

    However, the thank you page isn’t displaying any of the order details, nor is it updating the order status to Paid, so any ideas as to what I’ve done wrong?

    My three hidden fields are:

    <input type=”hidden” id=”transaction” value=”127412656″ />
    <input type=”hidden” id=”reference” value=”101KT0098″ />
    <input type=”hidden” id=”wpnm” value=”AUTHORISED” />


    Hey guys, please have a look at this screenshot:

    It is the WorldPay settings page for someone who has it set up correctly. (They just removed the MD5 secret)


    I don’t have anything in the MD5 field. That screenshot doesn’t have anything in any of the fields either, which is confusing. How are they telling WorldPay which page on the wordpress site to use?

    Paul Littlefield

    Hi Folks. I hope I can help someone. My client is using WorldPay with DukaPress. At the moment we are in TEST mode, and have not changed any settings in the WorldPay Admin Area yet, apart from one… because we had an issue where an error would occur after leaving the DukaPress Checkout page. The error is shown in this screenshot. .The matter was quickly resolved by the WorldPay Technical Support Team who not only knew about WordPress and DukaPress, they knew exactly what OUR problem was… simply remove the text in the ‘MD5 Secret For Transactions’ box. We saved the settings, waited 5 minutes and ever since then, there have been no errors. We will see how this goes when we change to LIVE mode! 🙂 Paully.


    I have tried various combinations, and the only one that works is having this in the Payment Response URL:

    <wpdisplay item=MC_callback>

    and having Payment Response and Shopper Reponse enabled.

    Then, in my callback page, I have a refresh (which is the way you do it, ignore any info you find saying this is against WorldPay’s t&c’s; they changed it 2 years ago, and haven’t updated all their documentation):

    <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0;URL=’;?php

    $invoice = $_GET[‘id’];
    echo $invoice;

    ?>'” />

    This gets me to my thank you page, which shows how much the user has just paid.


    Hi Paul,
    I’ve been trying to get my automatic “Order Placed” email response to the user working correctly. this ties in with displaying an invoice amount on the confirmation page, i think. is it about handshaking?
    anyway I’m having trouble. Where do i put the metarefresh you so kindly provide in your post? because being a wordpress install the is the same for every page. Do i create a php page somewhere and give the address of that page to the dukapress settings and worldpay?

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