
Please submit ideas of things (features) you would like to see in DukaPress by leaving a comment here.

If you found bugs, report them here.

109 Responses

  1. RaulK says:

    I think would be very useful the possibility to editing name and type of records of the billing address with a GUI in the setting page (backend) of dukapress. So the owner of shop could decide what type of information would retrieve from buyers (for example phone number other than records that actually there are).What do you think about it?

    • Pliller says:

      Price-affecting options would be good. I can think of lots of products that would need this feature. When may it be available?

    • Andrey says:

      I also would prefer this function. if it is not yet possible to configure in settings, where it is possible to change manually?

      thanks in advance!!

  2. Ameise says:


    What about data sanitation? I see, that all data is written in database without sanitation.

    One idea from mine: drag and drop items into cart. With jQuery UI maybe?

  3. djyxi65b says:

    since wp3 has multi-site capability, it would be more make sense if redefine the default file upload path or let the user define the upload path as well as cache and pdf directory, I think the default for each site are defined as

    get_option(‘upload_path’) and

    at wp-content/blogs.dir/[blog_id]/files

  4. Dom says:

    Could we have the option to control how the product picture displays? I would like to remove the small thumbnail of the image that appears on the product page and don’t know how. Thanks!

    • todd says:

      I second this!! I cannot seem to remove the thumbnail, even if I have only one picture for the product.

      It’s confusing to have 2 of the same picture (one thumbnail on main image) right next to eachother on the same page.

      • Kelvin says:

        This can be done easily via CSS by including this line .dpsc_image_tab {display:none;} in dspc-basic.css in the DukaPress CSS folder. You can control virtually anything just by CSS 🙂

        Also, for a fine level fo control, without diving into code, look at DukaPress Styles:

        • todd says:

          Thanks! That’s awesome. This plugin is a revolution haha!

        • Darby says:

          I added the above code into dspc-basic.css. I put it under the /*Basic DukaPress Styling */ section along with the other two .dspc_image_tab lines. This did not change the display. The little thumbnail still displays. I also remarked the other two lines .dspc_image_tab out, This also did not work. I am a total CSS noob so please bare with me if I am doing something obviously silly. 🙂

          In fact, one of my products now displays two thumbnails. Not sure why it is any different…

          Any ideas?

  5. Dom says:

    also… could the product pages be aligned to the left side of the page. In my Titan theme I see a large space on the right of the product… not sure if it’s because of the theme or because of how the product page is coded though. Thanks!

  6. solibra says:

    Hi, i have an idea how you could dramatically increase the number of supported payment gateways. There is a ruby class which has support for over 40 different gateways (
    Now i have found that there is a php port currently in developement which supports already:
    * Centinel 3D Secure
    * Eurobank Payment
    * Hsbc Secure e-Payment
    * Paypal Express Checkout
    * PayPal Website Payments Pro

    What do you think?

  7. Robg says:

    Documents… paypal with responder utility. Users make a payment, they are autosent the requested document they are paying for. Or sent the link to the document they are paying for. instant user/purchaser gratification.

  8. Shaun says:

    It would be useful if you supported subscriptions or recurring payments for monthly services. This is essential for my business and many others.

    • Distracted says:

      Further to Shaun’s comment. Had this idea been progressed? We’re super impressed with the facilities and features of Duka. But have a subscription product type would be the icing on the cake.

  9. I think it would be nice to include these payment processors.

    * Liberty Reserve

    * VTN (Virtual Terminal Network)

    * Fastecash

    These are common in Nigeria and other African countries.

  10. Trena says:

    This is a GREAT plugin! It would be nice if we could delete a line and/or edit the ‘Order Log’

    Please keep us updated.


  11. Andrea says:

    Great plugin! The one thing that I would love to see is the ability to export a spreadsheet with the orders, so that I could analyze the data from sales. The ability to delete orders would be great too…what happens when you have been taking orders for a long time period and you end up with 5,000 in your order log? Thanks again for the great plugin!!!

  12. Francesco says:

    What about a bulk import for products? something like “Put-my-csv-inventory-in”? I have a catalog of almost 20.000 items…

    Thanks for the good job!

  13. Hugh says:

    A useful thing to know would be how to change the country dropdown in the checkout page to your main country of residence/business… seems by default to show AFGHANISTAN (alphabetical), which is both inappropriate (!) and a nuisance having to scroll down all the way to UK or USA.

    How could you change the default selected country ??

    • Kelvin says:

      We’ll try work this into a later release. Please understand that Afghanistan just happens to be the first country when you arrange them alphabetically. To make your own country default, edit dukapress.php and move your country to be before Afghanistan in the list on line 25

  14. Hasaan says:

    HI there,
    First off, I must say that you people have done a good job. Simple and yet expandable in many ways.

    I would like to have few things added to this plugin and as far as I can understand, its not that difficult also as you already have bank transfer facility in this plugin.

    I suggest that you people should add the payment modes like Western Union, Moneygram etc. So, that buyer can also be given an option of this.


  15. Ronald says:


    At first, I couldnt believe my eyes, this plugin was exactly(!!) what I was looking for. At first i didnt know it existed.

    Second is there is one problem for me, it doenst support iDeal mollie:(. Is there a way that I can use this?


  16. Paul Kevin@ says:

    Will there be a dukapress wap plugin that uses wurfl?

  17. Shelly says:

    What about the ability to personalize a product as an opition. For instance, a t-shirt with the option of adding a name to it for an additional fee. Is there a way to add a text area for the customer to type in there name?

  18. Shelly says:

    What about payments by cash? Just a thought.

  19. Doug says:

    Could the tax be applied depending on where the products will be shipped to? In the USA, sales tax is only applied for products sold within the same state as the merchant, but is not applied if products are sold to a different state.

  20. Lubna says:

    Can you add a 2checkout payment option? You see, my business is located in Egypt, and Paypal, and many other payment hubs do not support Egypt.


  21. Shelly says:

    Is test mode possible? That way people can’t purchase items unless they are administrators…

    • Kelvin says:

      Hmm, this is not possible by default. What about making your product pages OR checkout page “Private”? That way only Admins can access it

      • Shelly says:

        Thank you, I’d like it possible for clients to view a demo site and be able to look at the checkout page as well but will take this into consideration.

        • Shelly says:

          I ended up just hiding the make payment button for the demo site. That way the page can still be visible. (just in case someone was wondering some day.)

  22. Lubna says:

    It would be really great, if I can define category templates for my products .. that is define certain extra fields to be entered like certain specs in case of mobile phones. Added to that, the ability to display these fields using a post type template specific to this category.

    This would be very helpful if you were to implement product comparison later on (another thing I’d love to see :))

    Another thing: An ajax ‘Add to wishlist’ button and its widget (same as the great cart widget), would be real cool.


  23. elie andraos says:

    hey, it’s a nice project. but, what about google checkout ?

  24. Mike says:

    I would like a way of doing a cash transaction that gives a total on a page that has the shops mailing address instructing where to send check or money order.

    I could create a page for this but would be nicer if it was included in the cart

  25. Rich says:

    Thank you for making DukaPress available to everyone…I’m excited about how open you are to new ideas and where you’re headed with this project.

    I have very limited knowledge of PHP…but, I would like to exclude the “Country” drop down menu from the checkout page. Can that be done easily?

    I would also like to only display the category page and eliminate the links to individual product pages…is that easily accomplished as well?

    Thanks again for a great product!

    • Kelvin says:

      Thanks for the good words for DukaPress! Of course everything is possible! Unfortunately, what you require is a little bit hard to do. This is especially true for removing the country field from the checkout page.

      Do you need to completely remove it? Or limit it to your own country? This can be done very easily.

      As for removing the links to individual products, this is also a little bit difficult. You’d need to find the code for the shortcode and then edit out the HTML links. A little bit complex, but doable. This code is in dp-products.php from line 349.

  26. Vadim says:

    Seems, the Moneybookers payments are #2 after PayPal in the world
    You really need add it into your plugin!

  27. archie says:

    i have something to ask,
    can you have the firstdata added on your payment gateways.
    it would be nice. thanks a lot.

  28. Dario says:

    Hi Kelvin,

    Right now, you have an option to register users after they make the purchase but most of the e-commerce sites first ask the user to register. So if the user is logged in, there is no need to ask for Billing/Shipping details and also is a good way to fidelize your customers.

    Of course, there should be an option to send the product to a different shipping addres while doing checkout.

    Hope this helps!


    • Kelvin says:

      When you have the “enable use registration” option on I think the plugin “remembers” the user’s details, yes?

      Why don’t you add a line on your checkout pag that says “When you checkout you agree to our terms”. One of those terms should then be that users are registered.

  29. Rudolf says:

    2 ideas for future features i would be interested in:
    Product Options would have color pickers (at least for the common basic colors or pre-selectable colors from the backend) so that the shopper could just click on a red square to order the item in red, on a little blue square to order it in blue etc.
    (this can be done with text in the current pulldown menu already, but would look fancier with the above solution).
    Say the website wants to donate a certain amount of each sale to some good cause (safe planet Pluto, the rain forest or whatever), so the customer would see a tickbox on the checkout form that can be checked if they want the store to donate the amount or left unchecked if they don’t want to make a donation.

  30. Steve says:

    –Dukapress is awesome, and Kelvin and the team are the reason why, good support=good product. I think the plugin is great, after using it for several months now, I love it, and I have a few ideas that could be great additions to the next version if possible…

    –Ability to add extra fields to the checkout form (checkboxes, formfields, etc.)
    — Product Templates (or any easy way to duplicate products, or preset variations, etc per product category perhaps)
    — Product Quantities (perhaps a preset variation type, that would have a form box instead of drop down to allow the customer to choose a quantity right on the product page, before adding to cart.)
    –Expanded discount options to allow for automated or conditional coupons.
    (i.e. If you want to give bulk discounts automatically, say if customer buys 10 they get 10% off total order automatically in cart, and maybe conditional coupons that only affect certain categories, products?)
    — Product Images (I like how you can use multiple images for a product, but would be nice if you could set visibility for the multiple images per product, instead of setting css to display none. i.e. if one product has just one picture, but other products have several images. For the products with one image attached, it would be nice if the other image views hide automatically, or if you had an option when creating the product to display one image or all images.)
    — and finally, I love how you can choose Regular or Inquiry mode for the shop. (I think it would be awesome if there was a third option to make that setting conditional to certain product categories.
    i.e. “Shop” category could be Regular shop mode, while allowing another category to be set to Inquiry mode. Or perhaps per product basis, whatever is easier to make it work.

    Thanks so much for an awesome plugin, keep up the good work and support!

  31. qnaqtu says:

    can i delete/remove items from my cart rather than emptying every thing

  32. qnaqtu says:

    thanks Kevin but don’t you think it might confuse the shopper?

  33. LavaLink says:

    A couple of suggestions that I would like to see:

    The ability to make product image on product page “float” using the shortcode. As is, I had to use your [dpsc_display_product] and then manually hard code the DIVS into the page, here’s an example:

    It would be nice to have a “Checkout” button that goes to the checkout page, in addition to “Add to Cart.” As it is, you click Add to Cart and it just refreshes the page. I think it’s confusing to make the customer have to click a link in the sidebar. You should make it easy for them to convert – the “CHECKOUT” should be a big button that’s easy to find.

  34. Shannon says:

    I have been searching all plugins for my site for ecommerce and cannot find anything that works. I need to be able to configure my own fields. Some programs let you do that, but, then I cannot see them on the published page, only on the page creation. I would love to be able to creat 10 – 15 custom fields that would show on the published product page. And, be able to upload the from an excel csv spreadsheet. Also, upload the photo. So, that uploading a database of products would be much more automated.
    I would like to be able to chose where to put each field on the product page the customer sees. I would also like to be able to import and export to csv. If you did this I would love your program. As it is I guess there is no program that works for my company.

  35. Ken says:

    Hi there, I am planning to create a site similar to using this plugin because this plugin is great! however, i have some suggestions:

    1. Separate GUI for adding product images ( The Main Product image including the sub-images) – This will greatly make adding product easier.
    2. I hope the multisite support will be implemented soon probably on the next update. Addition to this is having a function (If possible) that could get all products across the network in the main site.
    3. Modifying the product variations (The product options) to make it somehow easier because currently, you have to use “||” in order to have more than 1 dropdown options.

    Thanks for the hardwork guys! I personally love this great plugin!

    • Kelvin says:

      For point 3 – can you not use the GUI in the page where you create products?

      As for the first two points…I would personally just love to get working on those ones. They are really good ideas. However, we’re a really small team and we cannot afford to put as much resources as we would like all the time :(. I’m sorry but it may take a while to get those in

  36. Ken says:

    Additional Suggestion:
    4. Have another separate GUI for the digital products. Like adding an uploader on the adding product page. This will surely make adding digital products more easier.

    Thanks again!

  37. Marco says:

    Hello, it could be useful show prices in inquiry mode too and to generate a pdf of the quote to send automatically to client.

  38. Penny says:

    I’ve tried almost all of the WP ecommerce plugins and yours is by far my favorite!

    The only reason I am not using it on my site right now is that I need recurring payment functionality. Is there a crowd funding project set up for that or can one be set up to fast-track it?

    Thanks for all the work you do!

  39. Kerry McNally says:

    I want to be able to sell physical good by the metre
    by entering a price per metre and allow the client
    to order fractional quantities eg: 1.5, 2.7, 6.4 metres.

  40. Kerry says:

    It would be useful to be able to sell memberships ie: ongoing monthly billing.

  41. Muhammad Waqas says:

    how about moneybookers as a payment Gateway!!

  42. Robert says:

    Two features that would be useful:

    1. Manual price item (i.e. “Donation” style).
    2. This is a difficult one to explain… I have a client that sells items that vary in price from a few UK Pounds to several thousand. Weight varies from a few grams to over 100Kg. None of the standard delivery pricing options work if a customer buys one of each of these. I have encountered this problem several times with different clients. What is required is an item field that optionally specifies its delivery cost if completed. It should still be possible to offer free delivery over a certain order value or quantity of small items.

  43. Eric says:

    A simple fix for images. Why not allow the ability to select a “Featured Image” as the primary image for the product with the other images being secondary and displaying as thumbnails.

    This would be an easy quick fix to help Shop Owners manage their images and product displays better.

  44. Rob says:

    Maybe you could make it so that you can have the products page contain full products including description.
    Add a feature that removes the link of the title, so people cannot click the title of the product. I guess this would not be a grid view but a full view…

  45. sinan iÅŸler says:

    customer order status page

    when user buy or order something he can watch the whats happening my product? where is my product? is my product send ? is my bank or paypal payment approve? page for like this informations.

  46. Steve says:

    Hello again,

    I have a couple suggestions…
    It would be great if you could add a shortcode or option on product edit to display a quantity box on certain product pages. So more then one product can be selected from a drop down list of amounts defined by admin (1-10, 1-20, etc), or maybe have another option with a field to type in how many they would like, then they can add to cart and buy.

    Another idea would be for the discount codes. It would be nice to have the option to make the coupons in set amounts of whatever the stores set currency is. ($’s for me.) So if the store wanted to have a $10 off discount, instead of percentage, they could.

    Or perhaps have more options for discounts, like conditional coupons, (examples:
    10% or $10 off, if 2 or more items over $100 added to cart) or (automatically applied coupons, maybe conditional to certain categories…like if 1-10 items in certain category selected= no discount, but if 11-20 selected =10% off, if more then 20 items=15%, etc)

    • Kelvin says:

      Hey Steve. Thank you for the ideas! And for using DukaPress.

      -We’re working hard on a modification of the Grid Display shortcode to be able to optionally show the quantity and/or variations. 🙂

      -More options for discounts are definitely on the way. We love your idea of a fixed amount option. 🙂

      Thank you!

      (PS Please also use the forum next time so that conversation is easier than here)

  47. Yolanda says:

    I would like to be able to offer product comparison for products that I sell that the customers can select for comparison.

  48. I would like to offer customers the ability to compare products that they select so they can compare them. This well be my first time for setting up a store.

  49. Helena says:

    You can add module functionality so that people can add their own modules and integrations. But I wouldnt know how hard that would be to implement. Another tip is to read about udropship for magento. Dropship module for multiple sellers. It can provide some interesting tips 🙂

  50. Lucas Wood says:

    My name is Lucas Wood and I am the Director of Sales for Paybasics, a credit card processor based in Chicago. I was checking out your site and wanted to speak to someone about the possibility of a partnership between you and Paybasics. We offer simple, low-cost, straight-forward credit card processing for e-commerce clients. In addition, we have a residual program for our parterns, giving you a revenue stream without any effort on your part. I would really appreciate the opportunity to speak to someone about this. Please feel free to call on my direct line listed below or email me anytime. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Thanks for your time!

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