DukaPress Shipping Options


Well, in case you ever wondered how to configure DukaPress shipping, then this is the post for you.

First things First, DukaPress Shipping is located under DukaPress>Settings>Product management>Shipping Options. As such:

DukaPress Shipping Options

Let’s go through how to set up each of the individual shipping processing methods one by one.

1. Free
Well, in this mode, you will not charge your customers anything for shipping.

2. Flat rate
This means that your customers will be charged one shipping rate regardless of how much they buy. The value you enter into this field has to be a number.

3. Flat Limit Rate
Use this method when you want to charge a flat shipping rate on all orders BUT want to offer free shipping for orders above a certain value.

You have enter the value for this mode in this format: 20.00|500.00. Here a shipping fee of 20.00 is charged till the total price of cart is greater than 500.00. After total price of cart exceeds 500.00, no shipping fee is charged.

4. Weight Flat Rate
This will only work if you defined your products weights (must be in grams) when you were creating your products.

A flat or uniform shipping rate will be charged for every kilogram of the goods in the customer’s shopping cart.

For this option, just enter the amount of shipping fee per Kilogram in the format of 20.00 – in this case, a shipping fee of 20.00 will be charged per Kilogram (Kg).

5. Weight Class
This will only work if you defined your products weights (must be in grams) when you were creating your products.

This method is suitable if you are faced with a situation whereby you want to charge a different shipping fee for different weight categories.

For example: If you want to charge all order which weigh between 0 and 10 Kilograms (Kg) a different rate from products whose weight is between 11Kg and 15Kg and you want one more rate for those products whose weight is greater than 15kg.

For the above example, the value has to be entered in this format: 0-10|5#11-15|8#16-ul|15. Here for cart weight between 0kg to 10Kg, a shipping fee of 5 is charged. If the cart weight is between 11Kg to 15Kg, 8 is charged as the shipping fee. If cart weight exceeds 16Kg, then 15 is charged as the shipping fee.

6. Per Item
In this mode, a flat shipping rate is charged for every item in the shopping cart. Just enter a number into the field to make this work.

Other Shipping Rates
At this moment, the above are the only shipping modes officially supported by DukaPress. However, we shall shortly be releasing two new modes:

  1. A location based shipping mode that charges different rates for different places. This mode will optionally work in tandem with the Weight Class shipping mode.
  2. Support for shipping powered by Fedex.

That’s all folks!

If you have a question or need any clarification please leave a comment. We’d also appreciate any other feedback.

30 Responses

  1. I like to make shipping (as for earing in the demo) based on quantity
    2$/shipping for less than 10 item
    3$/shipping for 10-20

    witch method will you choose ?

    • Kelvin says:

      right now its not directly possible but there is a work-around:
      if you assume each single item weighs 1Kilogram (for example) then you can use weight-class shipping as such:

  2. Manfred says:

    Hi, if my weight is in grams then is it possible to have part there off of the grams

    Eg, some of my products are 3.01 kg. then base on speed post by sing which comes cost 0-3 kg is $9.15, 3-4 kg is $10.70, 4-5 kg is $12.20
    then how should i program my shipment?

    This doesn’t work. What should i do?
    3.01 falls in between 3-4 and some how there is an overlap.

    • Kelvin says:

      Unfortunately, this looks like a bug 🙁 – we’re going to try and update that to accept decimal figures. Sorry for the inceonvenience

  3. Jenn says:

    Hi, I want and need to make some items free for shipping but not others.

    Is the best way to enter in weight class rate? It really isn’t based so much on the weight as it is on the size of the item……. purses vs small makeup items.

    any help would wonderful because I love this system otherwise.


    • Eva Isotalo says:

      I could really use this option too.
      A choice on the products settings page, an “exclude from shipping tick” would be great.

  4. Chromaloop says:

    I am getting a bug on the weight class rate.

    When I copy the example given: 0-10|5#11-15|8#16-ul|15, where each of my products are exactly 1KG, when I enter quantities of 11 or 16 in checkout the shipping is calculated as $0.00.

    I tried adjusting my products to 1001 grams each, but this didn’t resolve the issue. Any help would be very much appreciated.


  5. Ioana says:

    Hi Kelvin, If I want to ship in US, Canada based on zip codes through UPS or FedEx how do I do that? Thank you.

    • Kelvin says:

      Right now, well, it will be difficult. You will have to create a shipping module that works with FedEx or UPS because default DukaPress does not have this feature.

  6. Elli says:

    Hi, firstly thanks because I have wasted a lot of time with other apps and this is the first that is intuitive and smooth that I have come across. I would like to know how to go about the following shipping issue…

    A customer can buy one iten which will weigh 50g and the shipping will probably be around £1.95.

    If they order 2 items for 50g thei shippiing may still be £1.95.

    If they order 10 items the weight becomes 500g and the shipping will obviously increase.

    I am a bit confused of which shipping option to use and how to format it… please help!

    • Kelvin says:

      Hmm, I don’t understand how you want it to be
      if 50g = £1.95
      if 2 products, 100g = £1.95
      if 10 productions, 500g =£???
      How do your product weights relate to shipping cost?

      I suspect you need to use the weight class method but you first have to decide how weights and prices relate

  7. Jeff Hardy says:

    Kelvin can you tell me what to put in. I have put all my products in grams and I just want to charge x amount per gram on total shipment. Also free shipping for purchase over x. What would be the code.

  8. Dom says:

    Is it possible to add some way to limit the countries you have shipping to and to set a default country in the shipping field?

  9. Rudolf says:

    Yep, i am right now in this situation with shipping costs:
    Within my own country i can easily use the
    Weight Class
    but, there is a few surrounding countries to which the shipping rate is higher, so i would need – rather sooner now than later, since you already promised to have this in a update eventually – additional option fields for the
    Weight Class
    say by shipping zones, see an example here
    these kinds of shipping zone tables are used by almost all shipping companies and so DukaPress needs this badly in a hurry as well, after all, DK is the nicest easiest to use and most likeable shopping cart for WordPress, there’s just a couple of things that need to be perfected – like also the complete and full .pot file…

    Hope to hear the good news sooooooon, thanks in advance

  10. Sandi says:

    Like another commenter, I have found DukaPress to be the simplest and most intuitive/clean cart plugin that I’ve tried so far. Less time to set up is more time live, so thank you for making such a well organized plugin! It’s amazing how messy some of the other plugins are.

    I have a suggestion: Add an option for a free shipping discount code, no matter what the shipping is calculated. Right now it is just a percentage – I can approximate a free shipping code ok with percentages, but a “free shipping” code checkbox would be great 🙂 Maybe this will be available in Discount Pro?

  11. Tariq says:

    I have one suggestion for the shipping feature: A per item “handling fee” option. I have some items that I want to sell that are perhaps very fragile and will need special packaging. Rather than just upping the actual price of the item, I would like buyers to see that the extra cost is going into a handling or packaging fee.

    Is it possible to add this via custom fields?

    Thanks in advance,


    • Kelvin says:

      Hey Tariq. This is certainly possible via custom fields. You’ll also need to edit the way DukaPress processes products during checkout so that the new custom field is treated correctly.

  12. Chris Booth says:


    As others have said, this looks like a great plugin!

    I’m trying to have shipping prices based on the value of the order, but with several bands (like the Weight Class option, but based on total value.) For example:
    Order value up to £25 -> shipping £3.00
    Up to £50 -> shipping £6.00
    Over £50 -> shipping £8.00

    I don’t think that’s possible with the plugin at the moment, is it? Is this something that’s available in the Shipping Pro plugin?



  13. Vivek says:

    Hi Kelvin,

    Thanks for this very easy to use cart plugin. May I request you to provide any rough idea for the launch schedule of new shipping options.

    Specially for – A location based shipping mode that charges different rates for different places.

    Once again lots of thanks for this wonderful tool.


  14. Michael says:

    I’m trying to enter 0-1|0#2-ul|4 for Weight Class Rate. I’d like to have zero weight items be free shipping. It seems to stumble on the $0 shipping and won’t calculate $4 shipping for items that have a weight. If I change the $0 to $1 it works. I also can’t use just 2-ul|4 as it seems to want me to start at zero weight. I just want certain items to be free shipping by giving them a zero weight.

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