
So we seriously need a forum for DukaPress support. Please know that we’re on it.

In the meantime, please report bugs by listing them here:

492 Responses

  1. Harry says:

    Clicking on Make Payment button on the checkout page does nothing

    • Kelvin says:

      Hey, can you give us a link so that we can look at it to make heads or tails of this?

      • Harry says:

        Correction: I’ve noticed that an order email comes through, but nothing visible changes for the user, leading him to click Make Payment several times.

        It seems changing the theme also affects the Add to Cart button, now its not working.

        • Kelvin says:

          Thanks man. Nice site! I’m not yet sure what is wrong but we are definitely looking at it. The strange thing is that the payment button does work for us, and others πŸ™

          For starters, please double check that you have the thank you page shortcode in the thank you page.

          Also (unrelated) it helps your customers if you have the Shopping Cart widget in the sidebar.

          Kindly tell us if you manage to make it work before we figure this out. Thanks so much for the bug report.

    • Kelvin says:

      Hi! Long time, eh? I’ve been looking for a solution, though and now I think that it is a tiny javascript error on your theme. Please try with the default WordPress theme to confirm if this is true and tell me so that I can keep checking for a solution.

  2. Harry says:

    Hi Parshwa,

    I’ve set Write permissions for Group and Public but still no change.

  3. AppleBoy says:

    OK, I give up – I’ve tried everything to have image appear on product, but nothing works.

    I have given full access rights to Cache folder, tried both insert image into post and without it… don’t know what else I can do.

    Any help would be really appreciated πŸ™‚

  4. AppleBoy says:

    Yep, I am using shortcode to display the image. I have re-created 2 posts with products and inserted image into those 2 posts;


    Appreciate your help πŸ™‚

  5. AppleBoy says:

    OK, I’ve changed that and the product appears OK when viewed.

    However, when I go to Product List, a still get placemarks instead of thumbnails.

  6. AppleBoy says:

    Just wanted to let you know that I’ve tried modifying permission settings on a number of files and folders (i.e. cache, Dukapress plugin etc.) but the issue of thumbnails not displaying correctly is still coming up.

    Talked to theme developer who also provided a few suggestions – no luck. Update to 1.20 also didn’t resolve the issue πŸ™

    Any help would be really appreciated it.

  7. RaulK says:

    Hi, i have problems with Product Options. It’s impossible to delete options inserted (if i delete them, they will reapper).It’s a bug or my error???

  8. Henning says:


    I tried to install and activate the dukapress plugin, but when I activated it gave me this error message.

    β€œThe plugin generated 1499 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice β€œheaders already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”

    Any suggestions to how I can solve this? I am using the latest version of dukapress 1.3.2 and the latest wordpress 3.0.1 It is a clean install and I didnt make any changes to the blog yet.

    Thank you.


  9. Ben says:

    I am for several days dukapress wordpress 1.3.2 and 3.0.1, everything works fine except order entry remains empty, even after reinstalling wordpress virgin, you’ve encountered this problem?
    Thank you for your reply, although you must be busy …

  10. Ben says:

    ok thank you again!

  11. Henning says:

    Hello to all the dukapress people.

    I found a way around the problems I had and the plugin is working well enough but still not perfect.

    I have three questions:
    The last update to is fixing which bugs? I didn’t see any info anywhere for that particular update.

    In the shipping option “weight class” the format 0-10|5#11-15|8#16-ul|15 is great but it means the weight per kg would be the same for say a 5kg package to Singapore and for a 5kg package to a nearby city to the seller. Is there a format that can add a location in the equation?

    Another thing I would like to know is if it is possible to add two dropdown menus in the product posts so one could cover colour and one size?
    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you very much for the good work with dukapress.


  12. Rob says:

    Hi. Great Plugin! Well done in only half a year.

    I am testing it out at the moment and everything seems to work fine up to sending an email notifying an order. The shopping cart order log id is always =0 and the order log in WP admin says no records found. So I don’t know what’s been ordered unless I find the corresponding PDF in the plugin folder. That has all the details on it.

    Thank you for dukapress


  13. buller says:

    Hi, why order is send the same also if i leave blank billing address? It’s a bug?

  14. I have tried all the way from begining by making the site theme to default. it didnt work. I even reset the server and install everything again and follow all the bug repor coment but still the make payment button doesnt work. There is must be something wrong with the script.
    But Still thanks to kelvin for quick answers. I will wait untill a update on This bug fix.

    • Philip says:

      Just in case you didn’t see the answer, making the pdf folder writable worked for me. Thanks to Parshwa for that tip.

  15. Nazeem says:

    I have one problem with dukapress. The current stock decremented before the payment success. Actually we need only to decrement the stock after made the payment. But now it decrement when we are going to the buying page (we are using paypal).

  16. sally says:

    How to redirect “category product” to “page product”? It give back an error page of not found. Bug or not?

    • Kelvin says:

      Not a bug. This is because your WordPress theme cannot show custom post types in category pages. You need to create a category template for DukaPress post types

  17. Melanie says:

    the marketplace display does not work on my site…on the page…


  18. howdy, i’m having trouble with the grid shortcode.. not showing anything.. i can see a lil box where it should be, but nothing inside



    • Parshwa says:


      If your products are in Custom Post Type Products provided by DukaPress, then use this shortcode:
      [dpsc_grid_display category=”WRITE CATEGORY ID” type=”duka”]

      If the products are in normal post provided by WordPress then use this shortcode:
      [dpsc_grid_display category=”WRITE CATEGORY ID”]

      If you want to display product from more than one category then you can write them comma separated e.g: 1,2,3,4

  19. hey, thank you very much for speedy response. actually my prob was identifying my categories by the wrong ID..

    now that i got that.. i’m almost home free.. some sort of formatting issues remain..


    keep up the good work..

    i uninstalled wp ecommerce when it seemed too complex and my clients needs were simple. DukaPress was a pretty easy learning curve.. and the 10 minute tutorial accurate if not for my own errors..

    • Parshwa says:

      In your CSS file add this:
      .dpsc_grid_product{ min-height:168px; white-space:normal;}

      In the grid shortcode you can change the number of products per column.

  20. oh!! CSS angel!! thank you so much.. your time and generosity will not be forgotten!! kinda broke today, but will donate soon.. i have a feeling Dukapress is gonna improve the quality of my life..!! lol… and i would love to see y’all keep the ease and add more whistles n bells.

  21. also,Β please let me know your preferred method and i will put a link and credit on this site. thanks again.

  22. Jan says:

    Hi Guys, The DukaPress works great but… I have 2 questions about the invoice PDF in case of “bank transfer”:

    1 – the currency symbol (€) does not show up
    2 – the layout of the name/address/etc. of the buyer is all on separate lines like the input textfields

    Any tips how to change this?

    You can try and see it on: http://www.cityplot.org/index1.php/shop/

    Thanks, Jan.

  23. Tassos says:

    Hi there,

    Just thought to let you know that Dukapress conflicts with the WP e-Commerce Plugin (or the other way around nto sure). Anyway I have WP e-Commerce Plugin installed and working and when I try to install Dukapress I get the following error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CURRENCYCONVERTER in I:\wamp\www\wordpresshr\wp-content\plugins\dukapress\lib\currency_convertor.php on line 3

    If I deactivate WP e-Commerce Plugin then there is no problem. Any ideas will be great but in any case thought to let you know.


  24. Tassos says:

    Hi Kelvin,

    The reason is that WP e-Commerce allows for external links for the buy now button which is good for affiliate links as you can still set up as product.


  25. Tassos says:

    The best way is to see for yourself. Look here http://www.hr-info.com/training/products-page/ then you will see that when you press the buy now button it takes you to a different web site to pay. So you can still manage it as a shopping cart but instead of getting paid yourself you can send it wherever you want like an affiliate system only a lot simpler.

    • Kelvin says:

      Aaaaaah, neat! We’re going to try get this into DukaPress, too πŸ™‚ Thanks for pointing this out.

      However, I still do not get why you’d run both DukaPress and Wp-ecommerce on one site. What role does DukaPress play?

  26. Tassos says:

    Because Wp-ecommerce does not allow to sell direct from within a post/page. I want to have both a catalogue and be able to sell from within a post.

  27. Loela says:

    first of all: I think this is a wonderful plugin. It looks very clean. Thanks.
    A few problems I do have, though πŸ™

    1. When I click on ‘Make payment’, nothing happens. When I switch to the default WP theme, it doesn’t work neither, so I guess it’s not because of the theme. After clicking on ‘Make payment’ the filled in form stays filled in so it’s not emptied or so, so I can click and buy the same again and again.
    The only other plugins that I use are Akismet, Exclude-pages and Widgets-reloaded.
    I tested it with banktransfer in advance and with Paypal and neither of them redirects the page after purchase. I can see all placed orders correctly in my admin-section (order-log)

    2. I receive an admin-email that an order was placed, but the buyer doesn’t receive an email at all (I used another email of mine for the buyer-tests). When I (admin) send the buyer a reminder that payment is still pending, he does receive that email. But not the order-email (confirmation/overview with my bankaccount and such details), although the email address was filled in right in the checkout-form.

    3. No invoice PDF was generated. In FTP, so on the server, the PDF folder stays empty. (note: all my folders and files have chmod 777, just to be sure that that’s not the problem ;)) WP-content and plugins folder also are set to 777.

    4. Even though my test-product has only 2 in stock, I can buy this test-product again and again. Not more than 2 at the same time. When I put an amount of 5, it’s automaticly reduced to 2 inside my cart so that’s okay, but after I purchased the 2 products I can buy another 2 of this product. But I shouldn’t have them in stock anymore as they should have been sold out after my first purchase. But it still says ‘Currently in stock’. I use the Regular shop mode, not the inquire mode.

    5. In admin section (Inventory warning email), my filled-in email dissapears after saving. So the field stays empty at the end.

    Everything else works just fine πŸ™‚

    I hope I could explain it enough and hope you can help me. Thank you!

    • Parshwa says:

      Hi Loela,

      Please give me the URL so that I can check it out.

      • Loela says:

        You could have just clicked on my name πŸ˜‰ http://www.loelaloep.nl

        • Loela says:

          Maybe this info could help: when I look in phpMyAdmin, within the table dpsc_transactions, I see that the field billing_email is filled in correctly but not the payer_email . That field is empty.

        • Parshwa says:

          This is the error which is coming:

          Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/photoamb/domains/loelaloep.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/lib/fpdf16/fpdf.php on line 2235

          Warning: getimagesize(http://www.loelaloep.nl/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/images/pdf-logo-1.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/photoamb/domains/loelaloep.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/lib/fpdf16/fpdf.php on line 2235
          FPDF error: Missing or incorrect image file: http://www.loelaloep.nl/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/images/pdf-logo-1.jpg

          When the PDF is being generated, the PDF maker is not able to access the image logo.

          • Loela says:

            I don’t understand, actually. I haven’t changed anything there. The logo that that error-message is referring to, is the original logo that came with the plugin. I can view it in my browser (http://www.loelaloep.nl/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/images/pdf-logo-1.jpg) so the image seems okay. Chmod is 777, like I said, so folders are writable.
            Is there something I can do about that myself (can I enable the file-access and if yes: how?) or is this a little error in the script itself? Has it something to do with my server? Can hardly believe that, to be honest.
            Thanks for replying so quickly, by the way πŸ™‚

            • Parshwa says:

              If you will look at first error, it says: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration

              So I think its the server configuration.

              • Loela says:

                Thank you!
                I just wrote an email to my host, asking if they are so kind to change my php.ini to allow the access, as I have no access to the ini file myself.
                Do you think all my problems are caused because of this?

                • Loela says:

                  Btw, for your info: I run another website on the same server (same hosting account) and on that other site I run a Prestashop. I have no problems there at all – that’s why I doubted if the server is the problem.
                  I hope I’ll receive a quick answer from them. i’ll let you know when I do!

                  • Parshwa says:

                    Sure. Otherwise I will help you fix the bugs

                    • Loela says:

                      Hurray πŸ™‚ My host opened the fopen function so now problems 1, 2, 3 and 4 are solved. Ordering works great now.

                      Problem 5 still remains, though and I just noticed that it’s not just the email-field but also the BIC/SWIFT field. Somehow they can’t be written into the table.

                      In the order-confirmation email to the customer, there are no payment details (neither on the attached PDF) so I put those in myself in dp-cart.php.
                      That means: if a customer closes the window after his purchase, he can’t find the payment (bank)details anymore. Maybe an idea to automatically put those details in the email, like I did myself now.

                      Another thing: if a member of my website looks into his admin-section he can see exactly how much I have sold through Dukapress and for what amount. I don’t think that’s something he should be able to see.
                      I will use a plugin myself, where I can determine what my members are allowed to see in the admin-section but those who don’t (want to) use such a plugin, will have this little ‘problem’ that their members can see how much the seller has sold.

                      Finally; in dukapress/css/style.css you refer a lot to images in a folder that doesn’t exist. You refer to /home/photoamb/domains/loelaloep.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/css/images.
                      I noticed that in my error-log so I’m curious πŸ™‚

  28. Hi Kevin et al,

    Looks nics, but I can do what I what: Grid display don’t happens.

    On my search I ‘ve found a great difference to this pic:

    I don’t have the menuepart Products on my dashboard??

    so delete, and repeat
    Installation is on WP 2.9.2, but no changes

    Don’t understand this sentence:
    Why isn’t the Grid Display working?

    You currently HAVE to have at least one custom field per product in order for those

    products to show up in the grid display properly.

    What I’ve to do, if don’t have this menue?
    This should be the the overview with grid layout

    And here is the category as blog posts
    http://www.atase.de/blog/category/shop/ (should be textlist without pics)
    Single productpage for ex:

    Perhaps someone has any idea, how I can or must complete which table.

    Thanx a lot

    • Kelvin says:

      What other plugins are you using? Could it be that one of them is stopping the “products” menu from showing up? I know wp-ecommerce has this issue with Dukapress

      But still, your products can also be made using normal blog posts. I think this is what you have done? If this is so, please remove “type=duka” from grid shortcode.

      better yet, can you give me admin access? duka[at]dukapress.org

    • Kelvin says:

      OMG the answer is simple: WordPress 2.9.2 does not support custom post types. So you have to use blog posts as products. Meaning that your grid shortcode should not have “type=duka”

  29. Hi kelvin,

    just after preparing yr. account I changed the code and delete type=duka! And it runs!!

    Thx. for yr. first help. πŸ˜‰


  30. Hi Kelvin,

    it stays the with the event manager:
    I’d posted here, http://dukapress.org/blog/2010/11/06/dukapress-manual/comment-page-1/#comment-983

    Do you know this plugin?

    If both plugin are on, it’s impossible to edt posts or pages, also minimizing of all menues stops. I’ve to go back the main of the dash an deactivate the em, then it goes.


  31. Nicola says:

    Hi Guys,

    I’m having trouble getting Dukapress to function properly. I keep getting a 404 “page not found” error every time I click on a category or tag.

    This is an example product page:

    Also the product grid is not displaying at all. I am assuming this has something to do with the categories/tags not working.

    Please help, Ive spent hours trying to fix this! πŸ™

  32. EJ says:

    I’m using DukaPress 2.0 Beta with my WordPress 3.0.2 installation. I love everything about it so far, but I want to use the PayPal payment option exclusively for digital download.

    1) On the check-out page, I want to eliminate all of the billing and shipping fields as it’s a digital download and PayPal will verify their credit card information, with nothing to ship.

    2) When I click on the “make payment” I get and error page from PayPal:

    Error Detected

    Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again.
    Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again.

    Is there something that I have done wrong? I’ve tried to work this out through PayPal Sandbox but I get the same error.


    Also I would like to turn this site into a community using Buddy Press. when I have buddy press activated, the drop-down menus under the seetings interface do not work. I have to deactivate BuddyPress in order to get the settings interface to work.

    Thanks for your time, I greatly appreciate it,

    • Kelvin says:

      This is happening because you removed those fields but not completely – the plugin still expects some data which is not being input.

      As for BuddyPress, we’re not sure what is causing the problem but we are working to fix it.

  33. Jan says:


    FinaIy I have the update Beta 2.0 up and running, see: http://www.cityplot.org/index1.php/shop/

    But I have still some problems:

    1) The schipping costs do not add up in the total amount in the Thankyou page and Invoice.pdf
    2) The invoice.pdf shows strange characters before the amounts
    3) If I click the order in the order log it shows an ERROR message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function printfr() in /var/www/vhosts/cityplot.org/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/dukapress.php on line 281

    Hope to hear from you soon,

    Thanks, Jan.

    • Kelvin says:

      I’m sorry but the 2.0 beta has a few bugs that we’re working hard to resolve. Kindly bare with the situation for a day or so more when the official, less buggy, release comes out. Thank you.

      • EJ says:

        Will there be an option to simultaneously create post with the creation/addition of a new product? I can make a post with a product and all the peripheral elements like price and wieght but it doesn’t become a product and vise versa when I create a product, it’s not a weblog post entry.

        • Kelvin says:

          I think if you add the product display shortcode you will achieve that?

          • EJ says:

            it works in the post but does not create a product in the products menu in admin mode.

            • Kelvin says:

              I don’t understand what you mean. How did you create your products?

              You can use either: normal blog posts OR the products content type. You cannot use both as things like Grid view cannot show both. Why would you want to use both?

              • EJ says:

                I’m using BuddyPress to create a community and I want the blog posts to be the entry page so that when members make posts, their posts are one the entry page of the site. In addition, when I make a new product, I want that product entry to appear on the front page of the site as a blog post when the product is created, there is not an option to make that action now. I want to announce the new product in a blog entry simultaneously when I create the product.

                In addition, settings menu does not work with Buddy Press pluggin turned on. I have to deactivate Buddy Press to access the settings for DukaPress

                • Kelvin says:

                  Ahhh, now I understand what you meant. It is kinda tricky to implement, though, isn’t it? It is quite similar to creating a normal WordPress page and also creating a blog post to announce it at the same time. (Because the ‘products’ post type is just like any other ‘content’ type). As we think of how to best implement this, please consider writing the blog post manually, for now.

  34. Daniele says:

    Have the same problem
    DukaPress > Order Log > cliking the order:

    Transaction Details for Invoice No. 2147483647

    Mode of Payment: PayPal

    Payment Status:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function printfr() in /web/htdocs/www.oxean.it/home/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/dukapress.php on line 281

    Can you help me? πŸ™

    Thanks, Daniele

  35. I’m having the same issue as others.
    I’m using the newest version (downloaded this last week) and Paypal as only option for payments.

    I get this after clicking the pay now button after filling in the check out forms.

    “Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again.”

    However, the orders show up in my order log. When I click to view them, I see this error report.

    “Payment Status:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function printfr() in /home/paintedl/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dukapress/dukapress.php on line 281”

    I hope help is on the way soon.

  36. Trena says:

    I wanted to give a heads-up that DukaPress is not compatible with ‘Platinum SEO Pack’ plugin. For some reason it doesn’t allow visitors to complete their transaction.

    I had a customer (I also tested) put thru an order and clicked the check out button to be directed to PayPal it can an error.

    I then disabled the plugin and re-tested and all worked okay.

    Could this be a bug?

    By the way, you guys rock!

    • Kelvin says:

      Thanks, we’re going to look into this. You rock, too!

    • Parshwa says:

      Can you please give me URL and if possible admin access, so that I can test it. Thanks πŸ™‚

      • Trena says:

        I have disabled the ‘Platinum SEO Pack’ plugin. I then did a test and all worked fine. Prior to installing the SEO plugin my test product worked fine, it wasn’t until I installed the SEO plugin that the error occurred.

        The problem was the with the check-out. It did not re-direct to Paypal. It gave an error stating that information was missing from the customer’s information page (where they enter there name, address, etc.).

        Unfortunately, I lost out on a big sale that day. But, there will be others.

        Thanks again.

      • Dave says:

        Dear Parshwa,

        Do you have any experiance with the problem that the “Make Payment” button is not working.
        I set up on another server, and it works there. But not on my new server.

        Do you any idea??

        Thnaks and regards,

  37. Liliana says:

    Hello! I would like to know if someone had a problem whom I have, and if he found some solution. After add products, the images are seen broken and show me the following message: You don’t have permission to access /wp-content/plugins/dukapress/lib/timthumb.php on this server.
    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    I already gave him the permissions to the folder lib, and to all the files inside her. What happens is that the thimthumb do not appear in the folder cache.

  38. Trena says:

    I am putting in my request here because there hasn’t been any further updates under new ideas. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

    QUESTION? The ability to delete orders. What happens when you have been taking orders for a long time period and you end up with 5,000 in your order log?

  39. liliana says:

    Hello! please help! I would like to know if someone had a problem whom I have, and if he found some solution. After add products, the images are seen broken and show me the following message: You don’t have permission to access /wp-content/plugins/dukapress/lib/timthumb.php on this server.
    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    I already gave him the permissions to the folder lib, and to all the files inside her. What happens is that the thimthumb do not appear in the folder cache.

  40. Henning says:

    I hope you can help me figure out why the payment button doesnt work on any of my blogs?
    I already made sure the pdf and chache folders are writeable and the short code for both checkout and thank you page are also correct. The make payment button worked when I just installed the plugin but after a while it suddenly stopped. Any ideas?

    My blogs are:






  41. The discount code doesn’t seem to be working when I test – it says valid, but then when I go to checkout, at paypal the price is regular as if the coupon code is not working.

    any ideas?

    it’s at http://www.shopping.alexshares.com
    coupon is 1stmonthfree


    • Kelvin says:

      I’m sorry I cant find add to cart buttons on your site to test this. Could you point me to a DukaPress product on there?

      Also, check dukapress.org/demo to see that it actually does work (or should).

  42. jenn says:

    Here’s the page Kelvin,

    I’ve used the cart on my other sites and I don’t remember having a problem with the codes, so I know it should work.

    Jenn B

  43. sisanda says:

    Hi Guys,
    Here is my attempt at solving the current issue with Dukapress 2.0 (the customer has no way of clearing the order log) So I have come up with this nifty short code.

    It works perfectly in clearing the log but I need some help in figuring out why it messes with the search form.

    Step 1. Add the below code in the function.php file

    # Adds a shortcode called ‘orderlogclear’.
    function clearoderlog() {
    $dbhost = ‘localhost’;
    $dbuser = ‘ENTER DB USER NAME HERE’;
    $dbpass = ‘ENTER DB PASSWORD HERE’;
    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);
    if(! $conn )
    die(‘Could not connect: ‘ . mysql_error());
    $sql = ‘DELETE FROM wp_dpsc_transactions’;

    mysql_select_db(‘ENTER YOUR DB NAME HERE’);
    $retval = mysql_query( $sql, $conn );
    if(! $retval )
    die(‘Could not delete data: ‘ . mysql_error());
    echo “Deleted data successfully\n”;
    echo ‘Clear Order log‘;
    add_shortcode(‘orderlogclear’, ‘clearoderlog’);

    Step 2. Add this short code as a first line in the Order Log page

  44. sisanda says:

    Hi Guys

    Here is my free gift to the Dukapress communtity:

    How to replace the default Site name at the footer of the pdf invoice with your own text i.e Banking Details or payment instructions do the following:

    Step 1. Open dukapress.php (found inside the Dukapress plugin folder) with your favourite text editor (I use Notepad ++)

    Step 2. Once the file is open scroll down to line 1454 this is what should be in this line: $footer_text = $dp_shopping_cart_settings[‘shop_name’] . $vat_id;

    Step 3. Replace it with : $footer_text = $txt=”YOU CAN ENTER WHATEVER TEXT YOU WANT HERE”;echo $txt;

    Step 4. Save and close dukapress.php

    That’s it now you will have your own custom text on the footer of the pdf invoice.

  45. Robo says:

    I’ve run into issues with having child pages underneath a “Products” page; I get 404 errors when trying to browse to any new page underneath “Products”; products that have been added using the dukapress plugin show up fine.

    I’m not sure if this is an issue with templates, or with dukapress. new child pages work if they’re not under Products. Any suggestions or tips? I wasn’t involved in the set up, but had to help fix the issue, so I’m not sure if things were set up correctly.

    Our workaround right now is to have our products and sub pages under a “Catalog” page.

  46. Jinna says:

    Hi, I want to have the gallery view site show up on the ‘shop’ page (www.greaseandglamour.com/shop) – I added shortcode [dpsc_grid_display type=”duka”] into the editor and saved. Doesn’t work.

    I added a new page template called shop.php and set the shop page up to follow that template – inside the php file I added a piece of code for the gallery view to show up – doesn’t work.

    Can’t seem to figure out why it’s not pulling my product (I only created one). There’s this thin silver box (about 550 px wide, 80 px high) that appears, but nothing else.

    Please help!

    • Parshwa says:

      I am assuming that the product is inside Products post type which is created by dukapress. Is that product assigned a category ? Please double check that it has a category and if there is category different than the default category, then don’t forget to add the category id in the shortcode.

  47. Jinna says:

    Found it nevermind! Thanks for your speedy reply.. You guys are seriously the best!

  48. Jinna says:

    One more question –

    I have added another sidebar to only show up when users click on the ‘shop’ page on my blog..
    I know how to switch the sidebars out, but I need to know where to input them to make sure that each product page has the third sidebar, not the old one.

    Is there a way to set up another php file to make sure that each product post has this sidebar? Because I think each product post still counts as a singlepost.php , right?

    Did you guys create a new way to categorize the product posts and differentiate them from regular ones so that I can have the third sidebar show up on all product posts?


  49. Parshwa says:

    You can try single-duka.php

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